"Water We Can Walk On"

It would also seriously test the game engine if the most creative people got involved.
Also, Utterly Alien, but don’t freak out the players.

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You can fly without a mount?

I thought only us Druids could.

Op, it’s metaphysical depiction of the consciousness ,you are walking on mind stuff,everything you are in reality is the same as you were in sl in a reflective aspect,it is you. So you are walking your road of existence.

Ah so that’s how it works. Everything is just really buoyant like the dead sea. Cause all the salty tears.



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I think the guy in the video talking about “water we can walk on” was just trying to come up with something to talk about, and it wasn’t really coming out as good as he’d have liked.

I can relate to that. Being an incredibly awkward speaker, an interview with me would go something like this…

“Well, we’re going to this cool place called Swarfopolis! I hope everyone has fun. There’s going to be mounts! Yeah, really cool ones. So excited.”



Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this just the nightmare realm from the Sha of fear fight in Terrace of endless Spring? Also we basically walk on water any time we’re dead…

Heck, this thing RUNS on water, Oooooo blowin the devs’ minds!


10.1 Underwater zone prediction.

It was pretty funny tho, even more so when that woman said “for some reason”. LOL

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alright sure. granted. but what is so alien about things floating? we have it in every expansion since… like TBC. our characters would be used to it by now. its lot alien, its more of the same.

not saying the design aesthetic is bad. just the reasoning doesn’t hold water that you can walk on

it would prob feel a bit more alien if they went microscopic.


And what if I want to swim there with some friends?

looking up at Dalaran a literal floating city “I’m sorry what did you say about AMAZING floating things? I was distracted by Dalaran…”


It just sounded like they thought it was a cool concept. The entire ground is like walking on an aquarium floor, except it’s actual water, and that’s just how this place works.

I don’t believe it’s worth reading into it any more than that. They were just describing the environment they were obviously passionate about designing.


Next, we will have giant waterfalls and deep oceans.

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When the magic water is consumed, the imbiber takes on the characteristics of the water.

a) Invisible.
b) Can be stepped on.


I’m even worse than that. I’m a fumbling buffoon when it comes to public speaking. :sweat_smile:

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The water from that teaser is what Gul’dan saw before Illidan dusted him on top of the Nighthold.

I nearly spit out my NFTer reading this.

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Fairly certain is more about how physics in that sub realm are than an actual game feature. If it helps you think of it as invisible land. Its not meant as a player skill or feature so much as a means of visual aid of how foreign this new landscape is. Its trying to paint a picture.