This infringes on my rights as a Shaman. /s
Everyone can do it no spell needed it’s to show they are at the cradle of reality where normal physics don’t apply stop over reacting
Yeah but you can do a cartwheel on the groundbreaking and technologically advanced 9.2 water?
Super special magic water!
Are you trying to tell us there’s going to be a hockey theme?
Well, we need new battlegrounds.
Witches melt in water. Cant have Sylvanas disappearing on them now.
Pretty clear he was pointing out that it’s not exactly a feature when he have a plethora of ways to walk on water that would make Jesus blush…
Honestly, I think most people would probably think its a neat introduction to the zone.
But it’s not groundbreaking, and people are out for blood regarding WoW and Blizzard these days so literally anything they said would have been met with teeth.
You know that recked the A H for water walking potions .
I can use my water strider…oh wait.
I.e. The Gelatinous Cube!
Technically speaking, we need the help of a trainer to be able to fly.
We also need the help of a flying creature or object willing to let us sit on them.
I’m kind of curious though. What happens if we drink the magic water?
Are we not supposed to do that?
“No no no. You don’t drink it! You stand on it!”
Isn’t that pretty much called “ice”?
the weird cubes of slime that are just dungeon roombas.
Heh, never thought of it like that
Don’t fear the spam jelly! …bring a straw and enjoy!!!
Look, I know they were trying too hard to sell it, but if we’re being honest, we’ve seen it all before. It’s a difficult assignment. Your boss says, “create a truly alien area that looks different than what the players are used to.” it’s going to test even the most creative people to come up with something new.