Water Strider Water Walking Passive - Removed

NO other mount equipment exists…only the water walking. I have spoken.

This was such an insanely pointless change.

They should’ve just added a different water strider mount that was easier to obtain if it was “so OP”.

If I were Blizz I would’ve leaned into the mount families harder.

Water striders walk on water, undewater mounts swim faster (they still do btw), bee mount lets you pick flowers while mounted…stuff like that … you know rpg elements. Keep mount equipment but make it cosmetic.

Instead we got a “new system” i have yet to interact with because it is so underwhelming.

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What upset me the most about this change is that they took a rep reward away from me. I worked hard to earn that reward and they just take it away. They shove rep grinding down our throat every expac. We do the work and they take the reward. What’s next? Sure I still have the mount but i have hundreds of mounts that sink when they hit water. I farmed a mount that walks on water no equipment required. Taking that was just wrong.

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This was a pointless necro I might add … can we expect a pathfinder or level scaling rant next?

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Hey do they have mount equipment on SL Alpha or have they abandoned it altogether after gutting the one mount most directly affected?

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They don’t have to nerf the entire system…the stuff from BFA simply won’t work in SL or anything going forward. You’ll have to refarm the ability to craft the exact same equipment with a different name every xpac.


Is there a way we can start a petition to have the water walking feature given back to Azure Water Strider ?

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There isn’t enough water in SL for it to matter.

All the more reason why this change was completely pointless.

The “over-poweredness” of water-walking was due to Blizzard’s zone design.


lol…and they ‘fixed’ the overpowerness of WWing by doing the OPPOSITE of what you’d think common sense would have done.
If WWing was a problem… you dont then give it to every stinking mount in the game…well, unless its out of sheer knee jerk petulance.
The one thing I hate about blizzard 2021 that didnt seem to exist in the 90s is their OVER reaction to every stinking little ‘problem’.

Notable is that once the mount system succeeded in supplanting the strider’s apparently OP ability, no further mount equipment has been introduced. At least the equipment hasn’t been expansion-locked…


This seemed like the most logical course for this system, but it looks like they’ve already abandoned it.

hmm, deja vu

This thread has been necroed multiple times now. How has it not been locked?


I don’t know. Maybe it’s because even the mods think it was stupid for them to do this. Especially in an rpg where it makes perfect sense for certain mounts to have certain characteristics unlike others rather than just basically giving players access to GM commands via the mount equipment system which is a blatant removal of the rpg immersion element.

But that’s just my guess.

Because it was a stupid decision and Blizzard needs to be reminded of their stupidity Daily.

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I for one much prefer not having to use that stupid bug for waterwalking. If only they’d do the same for the Sky Golem.

I did not say mount equipment was a bad idea, just removing the sole reason I farmed up that mount was stupid. They could have left it alone, and gave the equipment to make all mounts walk on water.

I will never farm up a specialty mount again, they will just remove the special part. That Maw mount can rot in TC forever.


You know that farming the mount means you get the special cheap version of the water walking equipment from the Angler’s quartermaster now, right? 50g per equipment instead of the ~4500g it is on my server for the inflatable shoes.

Should not have to rebuy what I already had.


If you were max level with the mount when the change was made you got them mailed to you for free.

If 50g is a giant deal for you idk what to tell you.