Wait, what? I thought they did this? All of my mounts now walk on water…
I’ll resell your car to you for $50, if you can’t afford that I don’t know what to tell you.
I already owned it, I already put in the work for it, I already paid the gold for it, Why should I have to keep paying for it?
If your offer was a massive quality of life improvement and let me use any car I wanted instead of a crappy 2004 Honda Accord I’d 500% give you $50 to use a lamborghini instead.
That’s the thing I did not get a QoL improvement, I already had it, and i did not have to keep paying for what I already had, after I paid for it the first time.
Do you change mount equipment like every five minutes or something? All my characters got the first one mailed to them for free and havent changed since then. I’ve spent zero gold on this change. I dont understand this cost complaint. Its like you’re just looking to be upset.
Only in WoW can Blizzard resell you something you already have and people be happy about it.
Only in WoW forums - scratch that - anywhere, can people cry about any meager little thing and throw fits about improvements.
if it was such a meager little thing why did they specifically invent mount equips as an alternative to the backlash of when they originally announced they were removing water walking from the strider.
I already had water walking, they took it and resold sold it to me. Where is the improvement in that?
Improvements, hmm?
So they took away our Glyph of Nightmares, only to give us Water Walking equipment, and it doesn’t even make our Fel/Dread Steeds leave a trail of fire in our wake.
Not much of an improvement.
“But you are not limited to your class mounts!”
Well, Affliction used to be able to use Soul Burn on Unending Breath that would give us the same (although temporary) effect (minus the trail of fire). But that got removed for stepping on the toes of Shamans, and Death Knights (Path of Frost). Oh, and on the toes of any one who could craft Water Walking potions.
And it would also step on the toes of Beast Mastery Hunters with Water Strider pets if the ability had lived on through Legion/BfA.
… I miss Glyph of Nightmares. /sigh
Here’s a kicker, while it was patched out pretty early in the prepatch, initially the design of 9.0.1 had it where alts couldn’t use Mount Equipment til lvl 40, 10 levels AFTER you learn to fly. So… Water Walking Equipment, for a time, was useless since you could fly over water before you could even use equipment on new alts.
It was patched shortly after launch of the prepatch. But I still find it hilariously stupid that they ignored comments about how dumb the Mount Equipment being locked to lvl 40 was throughout the testing phase, and it was only changed after it went live.
that’s nice, but my 18+ alts who have needed it since then, have had to pay for it.
…when they previously would have had access to it for no cost.
it already worked fine.
it didn’t need an “improvement” at a cost to players who already put the time in.
…and if you need to complain about people complaining, there are hundreds of threads which are MUCH more worthy for you to troll.
Indeed all characters over 100 got a piece mailed for free. Such a pity most of mine were lower than that, and now couldn’t walk on water until I hoofed it to Krasarang and individually bought and mailed them a token! SO much more convenient that way rather than simply choosing a waterwalking mount as soon as I could mount, when I wanted to walk on water!