Water Strider Water Walking Passive - Removed

If you’re near that many mobs, you wouldn’t be using the strider anyway…

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Y’know, one of my side diversion games is defly.io, where you fly a little copter, shoot other copers, and put points earned into various abilities; tower strength, tower shields, speed, bullet reload, etc… However, you don’t get quite enough points to be good in every category, you have to choose what to skim off of in order to be great somewhere else.

You don’t get to have All The Pretty Things At Once. Pick and choose hat has more value to you, WW or anti-daze.

Wouldn’t matter.

I’d be using whatever [Summon Random Favorite Mount] put me on… might be a strider, might be something else. I’d have to remount after being hit if I wanted to cross water regardless.

Except, see… I did get “all the pretty things at once”

… and Blizzard has decided after years of it being perfectly fine that suddenly it’s “too much”. So they’re nerfing my class’s daze immunity to force me to use barding or no-daze mount equipment and give up water walking… or bag space to carry WW potions.



Wait a minute… so I can’t select an anti-daze mount for running through a more infested area and then switch to a water walker when I hit the beach? Well that’s just… what’s the word for it… oh yes… stupid! I mean I first thought this was a great improvement to the mounts, giving you the opportunity to make selecting a different mount meaningful. Instead, they’re just adding complexity without meaning. I guess I’ll turn on the Water Walking and forget this whole enhancement even happened. I’ve gone from intrigued to ambivalent. Oh well.


Except forgetting will be hard.

Mount equipment water walking is seriously interior to the water striders… And daze/dismount problems are being ramped up to force many of us to switch to no-daze.

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Yep. It’s disappointing because there are so many ways Blizzard could have implemented this that would actually have given us more choice and more freedom and more player and character agency and more, dare I say it, fun, but instead it’s just another handicap meant to slow us down and make navigating the world more tedious and time consuming. :frowning:


who else is excited for 9.0 when none of this equipment is usable and we will no longer have waterwalking until we complete pathfinder part 1 lol.



They’ll just make the recipes random drops only if your profession is above 140 for that expansion.

You really think that? I don’t lol. Why else would they remove the innate ability from the waterstrider? It was done clearly to annoy people for 9.0 when the equipment doesn’t work.

While at the same time, we’re losing our gold and alts to push towards everyone to only use 1 character.

And then with also the upcoming Mount Equipment for 8.2 also means, it is giving the devs excuses to continue class pruning, especially DK’s/Shamans Water Walking abilities.

Translation: Fun Detected, Fun Removed!

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I think they’ll keep Equipment in for at least one expansion.

They’re too prideful not to double down on something that is this heated.

Rather than scrap the idea outright, they’ll try to make us love it.

But then if they truly cared, they could give a few more class options that can interact with the water:

-Winter’s Walk (Frost Mage): see Path of Frost
-Lightfooted (Monk and Rogue): speed buff that allows water walking while active

I’m not. :frowning: I don’t need any more disappointment in my life.

But you’ll need to get that recipe out of a mythic dungeon and you’ll have to collect a ton of a new crafting item that can only be gotten out of a specific raid.

They will keep it until the end of this xpac (August 2020) and then it will disappear. Since most people will not be playing much by then, they are banking that people will have forgotten about water-strider-gate and the fuss will be a lot less.


They’ll end up doing the same thing they did with Glyphs. They’ll add cosmetic mount equipment (“Sparkle Pony!” “Smokey Trail!” “Rain On My Parade!”) and then vanish anything that had any functional effect.


They probably did this cause everyone was using water strider. They thought this was a big problem. So they took it away. Kinda like taking flying away from flying mounts.

This makes no sense what so ever.

it’s a great change for you. I did not see the Azure Water Strider listed in your collections of mounts. less grinding for you, free gear for you…

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Hey lets not forget the crimson water strider (which isn’t in his collection either). I grinded for that mount and now that grind was essentially worthless.

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Yeah. Kinda makes you excited to grind for more stuff in this game, doesn’t it?


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They might, indeed; but they won’t return water walking to our Striders.

I hate this. Not because I loose an “advantage” - I don’t use barding or pots or whatever tedious addition there is to avoid the game - but I just find the entire concept of leaving a “Water Strider” in game that cannot “Water Stride” ludicrous, repugnant, and all around a horrifying example of not respecting the world that has been built.

Stop doing this, please. There are enough times that due to implementing game-play you are going to be forced to into this type of corner - pick the destruction of the integrity to your world wisely, not capriciously. This feels capricious and damaging to me.

Note: 100% for all those who want to run on water w/out rolling a shaman or dk on their favorite mount. This is only about the impact to the strider, not the upcoming system.


Many likes. All my likes. I feel like this dev team is going out of their way to completely (and blindly) reinvent the game for no reason other than “because we can”. They’re making their game their way, which is fine, but if they’re trying to retain (or bring in, I certainly wouldn’t recommend this game anymore) customers… this isn’t the way to do it. They have approximately 0% flexibility, and all of their “compromises” still see them having it their way, eg “We don’t want you to have flight, but if you want it THAT bad you can have it when the expac is mostly over”.


I agree and it is very sad to see the game we all love come to this.