Water Strider Used Too Much?

I really don’t care too much - but it is irritating that ll the effort I expended obtaining both water striders is sort of down the drain. I will still use them - but dang it - feels like another “take-away”. (Yes - I am aware that we can buy the thing that fits in the slot). The effort and time it took to obtain the mounts in the first place should be enough for them to continue to water-walk without having to do something else.
I think it would be great to see some NEW water walking mounts and keep all of out old mounts as they are.

Edit: Just want to add - I love the water striders - I like how they look and I REALLY like their little stand-up animation - makes me smile every time.


Personally, I rarely use my water striders. I don’t like the look of them. I just go around any water obstacles most of the time. Three weeks after 8.2 is released, it won’t matter anyway.

They are used so much because Bliz puts water all over the island and its dang annoying to have to go all the way around it or swim. Crossing a simple creek can either be inches deep that doesn’t slow you or feet deep and bogs you down.

Blizzard is removing the capability because they are upset we aren’t being slowed down by there idiotic water traps. We are bypassing their immersion. Between this and flying they are acting like petulant children having hissy fits when things don’t go their way.

I’m honestly beginning to believe they are purposely doing things to drive away the remaining players so they can shut the game down and work on new projects.

You know I have been watching lately since this started and I rarely see the strider, I see that sky golem a fair bit but I am not sure I see that more than any other mount either except it is very noticeable.

I have noticed though a lot of shamans and dks seem to like this new system and I can see why, those two classes gain abilities.

Contrary to popular belief, the water strider is my favorite mount and I use it for that reason. I love the mount. I could use other mounts where there isn’t any water but I prefer not to.

I use water strider all the time, and will continue.

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Exactly - that’s why I find the “used too much” argument lacking.

Exactly… Blizzard doesn’t do something without a plan… and remember they ALWAYS play ‘Corrupt a Wish’… Always…


As a shaman, I don’t really gain a useful ability as I can’t cast water walking while mounted.

There have been so many complaints about Blizzard “forcing” us into playing a certain way. Why wasn’t the Water Strider being leaps and bounds ahead of 99% of other mounts viewed that way? Why is bringing parity to mounts, such that we can chose based on designs we like, a bad thing?

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Ok then just dks win - don’t play my shaman that often.

There is nothing bad about giving us options, if they don’t first take away what we already have in order to do so.

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But Water Strider will still have the same functionality, no? You get the item for free: just equip it and pretend nothing happened.

so why not just leave the strider as is and make it not gain any benefit from mount gear? That is what they are doing with the golem.


It would just be better if they hadn’t changed that at all. People aren’t sure where blizzard will end up with this equipment slot business next expansion.

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a) This is why they are doing this.
b) There is an internal exclusion list where mounts on this list cannot benefit from the equipment slot, i.e. the Sky Golem.

The solution can be as simple letting the striders retain their water walking capability and adding them to the exclusion list so they cannot benefit from equipment. This will prevent them from becoming the over-powered mount with native water-walking and daze-prevention.


But that just brings us to exactly where we will be anyway.

Like, what’s the difference?

Okay if there is no difference, then why are they doing it?


Which we can all agree it would make more sense to make it work like the sky golem or trash this system entirely and simply add more water walking mounts or make flying mounts capable of gliding across water.

We already run into issues of class perks and barding and potions. There’s no way to realistically fix that, making certain things OP.

See this comment here…

Currently on any character at level 20 or higher they can go over water. Who is to say that will continue… Cause it isn’t like Blizzard has ever tried to remove stuff from the game before… Have they?