Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

Then why leave the Sky Golem unchanged? I can go from [insert mount equipment here] to mounted herb gathering. I don’t see the Water Strider as any different from the Sky Golem in that regard and they seem content to leave the Sky Golem alone.


Cant have people getting what they work for. Gotta hand it out to the lazy

I almost never see the water strider outside of Nazmir, and even then it’s mostly on the coast. Most players seem quite capable of jumping across streams or going around puddles.


I think that all this complaining is not going to give people the effective two slots, the only outcome I see happening is the sky golem gets nerfed too… “due to customer demand”.

They’re hardly wild accusations when you’ve shown such ignorance of game mechanics. I notice you keep ignoring how I’ve pointed out the permanent engineering tinkers that exist like the goblin glider and parachute cloak (and heck, there’s one you can put on your belt for invisibility, since you’ve brought that up in subsequent posts as a class ability that shouldn’t be negated). Even if you pay for the goblin glider kits (the item usable by non-engineers, since you probably don’t understand the difference judging by your other posts), the cost is hardly anything compared to the 4,250 gold you spend on the azure water strider.


I addressed this, saying that profession perks are equivalent to class perks. If it is not a profession exclusive it usually a consumable. The only example I’ve seen so far is the legion fishing pole.

Thank you for taking the time to explain this. But unfortunately some players want to go along with Blizzard’s prune spree and make everything temporary and nothing of lasting value in this game anymore.


This is not even pruning. it is just removing a mechanic that would prevent the addition of a new one. You are now able to water walk in all mounts, fixing a really old broken mechanic. This is not pruning at all.

Water walking breaks on damage, and that river is shallow enough to run across in most areas, or to be jumped most of the way across. I farm there a lot, too, and with all of the hostile mobs along it the water walking mount is all but useless if you’re using stirrups.

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They don’t need to remove anything to add in a new mechanic. That is the point people are raising IMVHO.


Broken? Don’t make people laugh. There are abilities in classes that are broken. This is just about a complaint by people not willing to work on getting the mount.


They do, otherwise the “water walking” buff is completely irrelevant.

No because people have offered more elegant solutions than more pruning.


We can’t have anything nice anymore.


I have the mount dude. I got it after realizing it was a significant buff in M+

Then you should have no complaints against it then.

point to one

We can’t have anything we earn in this game anymore of lasting value. Is this still a MMORPG?


Didn’t you ever spend time getting a new piece of gear or a weapon - sometimes a LOT of effort. And the next xpac, it’s no longer worth anything.

This change will let me actually enjoy new mounts - I literally have not used a different ground mount - ever - for any reason - than the water strider since I got it. It’s too valuable of a benefit and it has ruined every ground mount since. That - finally - changes.

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No, leave it as is and DISALLOW additional utility buffs. Like the Sky Golem.

See above.

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