Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

Even if they allow us to keep the 2 hour consumables that already exist, once the mount equipment slot exists I doubt we’ll see such consumables introduced for future expansions.

YES brother


Sorry but it’s been said they are account bound.

Sure thats another way they couldve gone. Who knows why they decided to go this route.

I understand how you feel. The grind to get it why I never did. But your work was negated when you could buy all the rep in time walking, not this current change.

Out of likes so I’ll give you a :heart:

hmm… I fear you may be right. It would be better, I think, if they just allowed the old consumables to be used in the future zones. That would give people an incentive to go back to old zones to farm mats. But it would also mean Bliz would have to come up with new & unheard of craftables for current zone mats. Something I think they work hard to avoid… new QoL stuff.

Except it is not unique… Shamans can do it. Death knights can do it, hunters can do it. And they dont even need a specific mount…

You guys can QQ about your water striders, I’ll just ride my chopper across oceans and lakes like a boss.

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Here’s the thing, OP. I agree with you in principle. I got my strider for the same reason, but I love fishing in WoW, so it wasn’t much of a grind for me. I enjoyed the entire Anglers thing.

Be that as it may, that rep has been in the game since MoP. That was like 7 or 8 years ago. It was three expansions back. Do you REALLY want to set a precedent that says Blizz can’t add new content for balance because multiple expansions ago, we earned something similar as a reward?

Water walking can be accomplished in game through class abilities, alchemy potions, and special mounts.

I get it. I agree with you. But I think the bigger picture means the new thing they’re doing is good…not bad. I earned the mount YEARS ago. I’ve gotten my reward. It’s okay if they change it now. That’s my position.


Uh, you’ll literally be able to do that same exact thing.

This post wins. Unfortunately, since a player thought of it, Blizzard will never consider it.

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As long as the end goal of this change towards mount equipment is to be able to give old ground mounts the ability to fly, I could care less what they do now lol. I want my Rivendare’s Deathcharger to fly!

The water strider nerf is bad because it is the new time gate. It will take you much longer in 8.2 to farm mats if you choose the water walking “gem”. It will take you much longer to cross bodies of water if you choose one of the other “gems”. All this is a big increase to Blizzard’s time-played metrics. If it is going to make you take longer to achieve your objective, then you can rest assured Blizzard will put it in the game.

Not to be argumentative, but where did I say I was against adding anything?

Add all you want. Just dont take away what I already have. Leave this one mount alone, just like you are the other one and we will be in complete agreement.

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My main is an engineer (glider cape), warlock (Demon skin=no daze) with a fully upgraded Underlight Angler(water breathing, Swift swim mounted or not, and unmounted water walking)

Hope they offer something else useful as mount equipment, because right, now they’re all useless to me.

For over a decade blizzard was really good about allowing you to keep your rewards, even if the abilities that came with them weren’t used.

Just as people spent 100,000 gold on a transmog mount, people also did the anglers for a very specific reason.

What they are saying is that they really don’t care about why you do what you do. They don’t care what motivated you in the past. They only care about the transactional future.

Your history doesn’t matter. Your journey doesn’t matter. Or should I say it doesn’t matter to them.

The history and emotion that we feel about our journey, is why many of us play WoW instead of other games. There are other games that do things better than WoW, but they don’t have a decade of history with them.

By continually neglecting that experience and what it means, blizzard is doing more and more harm to this game.

The idea to have account wide things is nice. But it doesn’t have to remove them from other things.


Remove the BMAH first and then we’ll talk about trivializing effort we put in to the game.

I don’t understand why it matters if EVERYONE rides around on Water Striders 100% of the time. I mean, they don’t do that, but if they did would it matter?

Let the folks devoted to doing things as quickly as possible ride Water Striders. Who cares. The rest of us will ride whatever we like best and call up our purring bugs when we are actually going to flit around way out in a bay or something.


Also ally gets screwed at Seige of Boralus. EVERY group I get in there even in H jumps into the water and you NEED waterwalking to get out. If you are going to put a DUNGON SHORTCUT into a game that you need something specific to use you should NOT peanlise the players who went out and did it. Basically if you’re ally and you get into SoB you need waterwalking, end of story. There IS no choice because NO ONE gose the long way, not even in H anymore.

Leaving the striders as is helps out ally players who WANT choice but have none just because of SoB. That or players without waterwalking will be auto kicked.

I’ve zoned in as TANK and half the group has already taken the shortcut so it’s not even a question of taking it at this point. People will take the path of lease resistance, and that’s that.

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You can use mounts. But kinda silly since not all mounts were ment to walk on water. Want all your mounts on water… play dk.