Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

Well then, yeah lets riot.

I mean… This isn’t hard.

I currently have:
Vendor mount
2 seater mount
Water strider
Sky golem
Random mount button

Those are the mounts on my bar. Now you tell me if the random mount button replaces those currently?

Here it is in plain english for you:
I’m sick of swapping mounts or just going out on the strider, because that’s the most likely obstacle for me to deal with. I’d rather we have an over-arching inherent system that let’s us augment our mounts, all of them, as we personally wish to play.

If you want to argue how this works across alts, fine. If you want to argue about further paths of progression (incremental bonuses for completing activities) or even opening up two equipment slots, I’m your man. If you want to construct new equipment bonuses, I’d love to chat! If you want to argue maintaining the status quo “just cause.” Then no… I’m not really interested.

This is all sooooooooooooooooooo stupid. It’s surprising how attached so many people are to one of the ugliest mounts in the game.

I’m a noob. What’s a Transmog Mount

Druids already have no daze with travel form, its called Guardian.

Simple solution dont use the water strider mount. Take your WW gem attach it to your mount and you are happy and it doesnt affect anyone else.

Let my water strider keep its ability and dont allow any other equipment on it JUST LIKE THE SKY GOLEM.

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Ok I get that. You are talking about something far and away past what they are doing. I think differentiating mounts is on purpose though. Like if your Yak also had an auctioneer and it also had water walking and no-daze, and slow fall and could herb without dismounting and all of the other mounts did too, nothing would feel unique aside from the actual look.

The functionality is purposefully different with mounts, like it is with Warlock dot DPS vs Mage Frost DPS. Everything doesn’t need to be the same all the time. This game has WAY too much of that already.

Hello. :slight_smile:

This yak mount has a transmog npc so you can transmog on the go.

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Thanks. I have seen that. Cool.

I still love my travelers tundra :slight_smile:

Holy crap… How hard is this to understand? If you do that, then I will put no-daze on all my other mounts… and STILL just swap mounts as needed. I can’t spell this out any further from you. In my opinion, the sky golem should ALSO lose it’s unique ability.

This argument is circular and we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

SO just to be clear, you are arguing that what I am suggesting works, but you think its just too nice for players to have the ability to have a mount that can water walk and a seperate mount that can not be dazed, you dont want us to have both options?

And you call having less options an enhancement?

Makes me wonder if we would ever get equipment based on how the sky golem works since it wasn’t removed.

well when i made a death knight back in lich king i was the only class that could water walk without a reagent but that didn’t stop every other class from getting the water strider mount and shamans from getting reagent free water walking

how about we just remove water walking from all mounts and let my dk’s group water walking buff be useful again

That sounds like a you problem. I mean, you’re saying that even though you don’t like having to use the water strider because it’s an extra button on your action bar, if it kept it’s water walking ability, you’d continue to use it so you can also use a different function on the other mounts. Plus you want the sky golem to lose its unique abilities? Basically, you want to handicap other players and take away their freedom of choice because you lack self control and the ability to make a decision and accept the consequences.


I said it in another thread.

I’m old school.

I used to get dismounted when I crossed a river!


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Blizzard hasn’t said outright that the current items are going away, but those of us who have learned the hard way to anticipate the worst any time Blizzard adds a new system are fearful that the current items will be made unusable so that folks are forced to choose one ability per character rather than being able to use all.

First of all, the scenario you are describing is not only speculation but really nieche. The scenario of “Equiping the barding on your strider so you can go through mobs and through water without changing mount equipment” being lost is a really minor inconvenience and is definitely not comparable at all to the benefits of the new system.

Remember that we are talking about a massive issue that blizzard is trying to fix for 3 expansions while avoiding massive outrage. An issue that causes the dominance of one mount over hundreds of others. An issue that we are complaining about for ages now.

This new system makes professions more relevant, it introduces a new important decision for your character, it makes you able to water walk (and other effects) on all mounts, it gives strider owners a compensation for their efforts, it makes the shaman and dk class abilities relevant again, it makes the water walking effect obtainable through relevant content without making you farm rep on old expansions or wait until the timewalking is up to get it.

You can’t twist this into a bad thing, no matter how hard you try

Sorry, what’s the massive issue, again? That folks feel obligated to use the water strider to the exclusion of other mounts because it has water walking? Forgive me if I don’t agree that this is a major issue, or that this is the best or only way to resolve that issue.


It seems like Blizzard is so far into their own echo chambers they can’t see reality anymore.

I agree with you. This is NOT a major issue. It does not require drastic steps to fix. The steps they are taking to fix are WORSE than the supposed problem

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And the solution to that is to add more mounts with an intrinsic water walking ability, not to break the mounts who currently have the ability and then sell water walking back to us. They wouldn’t even need to add models; if they can add functionality via the equipment slot, they could have permanently added that same functionality to a family of mounts and said, “Look, now all mounts of X type can walk on water!”


The word you’re looking for is “unique”. Unique and overpowered are not the same thing.

But grats on one more aspect of the game being homogenized, I guess.