Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

It further increases wows mount homogenization. Which is something i completely disagree with as it makes all mounts boring. The water strider was special because it was able to do something no other mount could do. I’d rather have more special mounts than them all feeling the same.

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I’d rather walk on water so I’m glad the change is happening. I don’t have the patience or commitment to go farm some rep in old content for a mount that I don’t want to ride just to be able to walk on water, when I used to be able to with a minor glyph as a warlock. I am almost strictly a PvP player so this change is very beneficial with no downside.

The issue I have with your stance is that you (like many others) are seeing this as a this or that option.

IE, Either the water strider is the only mount to walk on water (and I dont have it) or every mount gets to walk on water (and those with the water strider lose the ability once they change out their initial water walking token)

How about we make everyone but Ion happy and let the water strider keep its ability (with no other mount mods equipable) and every other mount get the ability to walk on water?

No one is asking for the water strider to be the only mount to walk on the water. We only want the striders we already have to be exempted from this change since it removes something we already have (permanently) and gives the same feature back to us temporarily.

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Because change is the nature of the game, I could ask the same about why my minor glyph was removed from my warlock mount but I guarantee it wouldn’t have created such an uproar…
I’m not upset about my minor glyph being removed as I saw it as a nerf which blizz has been doing for over a decade.
I think it would be unfair to any newcomers, and old players alike who have never gotten the strider, if people who had the strider didn’t have to follow the steps necessary to obtain water walking as it is going to be in retail.

Because this is a lot more than a 2 gold glyph. This was a mount people spent almost a month of daily quests in order to receive.

Its more like well I am glad you grinded the rep to open allied races, but we have a new idea. That rep no longer matters. You now have to go pay 10,000 gold each and every time you go to make an allied race character. You pay the price on your current main and it unlocks the ability to make that one race. If you ever make a character of another race, you have to go back and pay that same price before you can make another character.

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This! and Blizzard wonders why players aren’t engaged if you just spoon feed them everything…

At the very least let the Strider retain it’s water walking even if I choose to put Hoofplates for mount equipment.