Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

You currently have no idea what it’ll cost for people who have the strider. What if it’s 5g for us and 5000g for everyone else? Is that “huge” amounts to you?

Also… I already said that even in a world where the strider is “NOT ELIGIBLE FOR OTHER ITEMS” It’s STILL a problem… I’ll STILL have it on my bar. Why? I’ll put no-daze for all my other mounts… and effectively STILL have 2 mount equipment features, on a 1.5 second cast swap. So no… I under stand that “IT"S NOT ELIGIBLE FOR OTHER ITEMS” and it’d still be a problem for me.

Oh I’m sorry, are we now only changing things based on whether they will “break the game” or not? I’d rather we enhance the game and put in new lines of progression for our characters. Not maintain the same old systems that we currently have. Thanks.

If its 10 gold and the only annoyance is flying to Pandaria to buy the item and mail it off, that’s fine. It still makes no sense but whatever.

And to the rest of your point, people can still farm the thing. So if they want to have effectively two of the items per character (one restricted to only the water strider) then go farm it! It takes less time than most other things in the game right. Considering you have it already, why does it even matter to you?

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Enhane means to make things better. Removing a perk is not an enhancement by definition. Its a nerf.

You being upset because you feel you have to have 1 mount on your button bar is far less issue than taking something away from someone who spent a month of RL time earning that perk

Because I don’t want to be constantly mount swapping. I don’t want to have 4-5 mounts on my bars anymore… I’d rather we put in inherent mount advancement paths so that we can augment the mounts how we want them to be. That’s why.

tbf, the only negative i see coming from this is druid travel form, and the druids who love it who will be forced to abandon it now because being mounted = NO MORE DAZE

just remove daze

DOnt forget as I stated above. You need to have the account active with the character that earned the rep in order to purchase.

Since the char that earned that for me is on 1 of the 4 accounts I have on my battlenet account, I can have the strider on all my characters. I cant go buy a replacement unless I sub that old account for a month

Funny, because if you apply the water-walking equipment slot and only use the water strider… you’re effectively the same as you are now. That’s by definition… not a nerf.

You are so confusing I don’t know what you even want from this anymore lol.

Good luck with all that.

Same applies to you. Your issue is that you want both and are not happy that you can get both but have to use an extra button.

I mean I’ve spelled it out for you repeatedly. It’s not confusing. I don’t want 4-5 mounts on my bar anymore. Is that a hard concept?

Is it shared across your account? If it is, then I dont care. If it isnt then im going to burn this mfer down.

My advice is to do what I’m doing. I no longer have access to the character that has the Exalted rep with Anglers, but do have access to the mount, so I’m farming it again. You do, however, still have the 100% extra rep so every quest gives you 1000 rep and not 500. It’s only like 12 or 13 days with that added. I have like 8 days left.

It sucks and I see your point. They should probably make it a battle.net- wide thing just because of this one change but i doubt they will.

Than dont use 4-5.

If we use my logic - you dont have to do anything. You can just use what you want.

If we use your logic, you are changing my play simply because you want less choices on your bar.

No. I don’t want both. I’ve said this before too. Do you both just not read the posts that respond to you?

My problem is I really hate the direction MY game has gone and is continuing to go. I have all but left. I keep hanging out waiting for things to get better. This is just one more issue that makes me want to stop playing this game. I am not burned out - I have been before. I am just sad to see a once great game be a former shell of itself and getting worse day by day.

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You have an awkward way of phrasing things and it’s hard to follow TBH. If you don’t want a bunch of mounts on your bars then use the random mount button and be done with it. No idea what to tell you.

It’s per character, so every character that you want to have water walking will need the new water walking item. The item is BoA so as long as you have one character with enough Angler’s rep to buy it, you can just buy a bunch and send to all of your alts.

I get where you’re coming from but man I hate that stupid thing. I think it’s ugly and lame and if I had my way I’d never use it again. As soon as 8.2 drops I will unfavorite it and never touch it again.

Was that stated somewhere?

Yes it was, and we don’t know how much the item is going to cost either.