Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

Just keep this thread on top, the more replies it gets the higher the chance they revert the nerf on the water strider.

I doubt it.

Should wait to be happy about it until you find out how much itā€™s going to cost to buy them for all characters that might want it. Whereas before they had it already because you had the mount!

If you have the rep already and itā€™s like 10 gold, whatever. If you have 10 alts that need it and itā€™s 10,000 gold each, and 50,000 for people without the rep, how are you going to feel?

True its just like Flying. Ion apparently decided this is another sword he will die on.

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Still sounds dumb

Only price Iā€™ve seen mentioned so far was 1k, but Iā€™m pretty sure that was just someone guessing. No way would it be that low.

Each of my toons could do hordes current 2k emissary reward, buy the water walking, and still have 1k left.

I, for one, am excited about this change and was hoping theyā€™d do something like this. Iā€™m sick of the bug mount - itā€™s probably the one I ride the most just because of itā€™s water walking ability but Iā€™m not a huge fan of the model. Yeah, I worked hard for the waterstrider a few expansions ago, but I also worked hard for other mounts that just go unused because they donā€™t have that useful water walking ability. Hopefully Blizzard doesnā€™t take this away from 8.2 because some people canā€™t step back and see the whole picture. All mounts with water walking is better than only one mount with water walking.

Thatā€™s not the point. The point is that before, you would have had 2k gold, not 1k gold for something you already had! And what if you wanted it for 10 players or more. 5 emmisaries later youā€™d pay it off. But if you already had it, you would be 10k richer.

I for one would am ok with everymount being able to water walk.

My issue is removing waterwalking from the mount that has it. Keep the water strider as it is. Dont let any other mod affect it. Let every other mount use the water walking equipment. Just like the sky golem.

How does this break the game?


Like I care? Itā€™s a game thatā€™s about progressing your characters. Iā€™d rather they open up a new line of progression, then maintain the same old stagnation. As I said, I hope they add new equipment items that let us further augment and change our mount abilities. I hope theyā€™re smart enough to tie this into the game world. Would be awesome if there were ledges that could only be reached by jumping mounts.

Mounts as they are right nowā€¦ are nothing more than cosmetic aside from the strider, vendor mounts, and the sky golem. Everything else is just cosmetic.

My only problem with thisā€¦ is while I like the changeā€¦ Iā€™m willing to bet bliz wonā€™t actually go full out and put in actual world interactions.

Why would about an hours worth of work bother me though? Thats about how long it takes to do 5 emissaries if you do the quest WQā€™s.

Ones a rep mount, and ones a crafting mount that sells for gold.

it means that a character they donā€™t play, on an account which they may not play, is their only character which has the reputation to purchase items from The Anglers.

Iā€™m not sure how that sounds dumbā€¦ seems like a reasonable thing to bring up.

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Glad you donā€™t care but paying for something we already had again because they are too shortsighted to just leave the water strider alone is absurd. Apparently most people in this thread do care.

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Welp better get that rep up or mail that free equipment to the main.

Itā€™s not like Anglers is a hard rep

I mean, if Blizzard can do no wrong and you dont value your time or gold, then obviously there is no convincing you.

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Why would I value pixels? And 1 hour isnā€™t really that long.

More than 600 replies is hard to go through, so apologies if this was addressed. Will barding work in conjunction with water walking?

No one knows yet, Iā€™m assuming youā€™re referring to the items we currently have in game?

Coarse leather barding.