Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

I still haven’t started grinding towards the water strider and I played MOP. Now I just have to wait til 8.2 to stride across water with whatever mount I please. How awesome! /moo :cow:

But… Swim form :frowning:

So you have exalted Anglers, the mail it to your other toons.

This isnt hard.

I think I’m more happy for my alts than my Druid or Death Knight mains. :slight_smile:

He apparently deleted his exalted toon.

Nah you right.

I feel like this issue as you describe it encapsulates something more.

I get where you’re coming from but how is this any different from people running Mythic raids 2 expacs later for transmog? I mean technically the people who ran them at the time ‘eared’ the armor appearance rewards and achievements. Why shouldn’t they be tier locked to the amount of effort it took at the time?

Time makes everything easier as the game continues to evolve. Who’s to say in another couple expacs if the Allied Races from Legion will be rep locked or someone couldn’t just steamroll that rep in a week @ lvl 140.

Yes. On a toon on a different WOW account (Same abttlenet account) that is not active. SO by taking this away, you are saying I have to pay $15 everytime I want to add this item to my mounts. I have to activate an old account to buy the item to send to all my other characters to do something I already have now.

That’s not my problem. Get Anglers on another account then.

You’re complaining about such a unique issue you have, that you sound stupid

Could just transfer the character to your active account, would only have to pay the $15 once then whatever for the transfer fee.

From my understanding the Water Strider can have equipments other than the Water Walking so it can benefit from basically 2 equipment slots.

So it will always have water walking so you can equip the anti-daze equipment to it or the parachute one. The water Strider will still have its uses just for that.

Thats the problem. You dont care that they are taking away what anyone else has earned and already has.

I bet if you characters gear was wiped out, you would cry your eyes out…

That would be great but I dont think they will do that.

That will make everyone using the water strider more which is the main reason they created those equipment to destroy the water strider

Actually I’d just do world quests and I’d have the gear back.

Because its giving you that same ability for free if you have the mount, then you can buy for different toons.

Honestly…wouldnt care.

" Use: Place stirrups onto your mount, allowing you to interact while mounted in Kul Tiras or Zandalar for 2 hrs."

This item persist through death, lasts two hours ( 8 hours if you have the BS profession) can be used at the same time with Leatherworking barding and the Darkmoon Faire Firewater potion. This item allows you to pick herbs, mine, & skin without being dismounted. You can also open chests & interact with other items without getting dismounted. It is actually better than the Golem mount if you have a toon that has dual gathering professions.

The new mount “gems” will be made by professions. We need to find out if the new mount gems completely replace the current mount craftables or are an addition to them.

Edit: We also need to know if we get to keep our Goblin Gliders or if they are going poofies. Will the new slow fall mount ‘gem’ allow us to guide our decent like the Goblin Glider does? Or is it just a slow fall like the priest & mage spell, ie no control just straight down.

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Did the grind, have the water strider… Completely happy with this change. Don’t like it? Just apply the water walking equipment slot. Personally I’d much rather have the anti-daze than water walking on all my non-druid toons.

I actually hope they add more equipment slots. I’d love the isle of thunder jumping saurok as a feature for my mounts (I’d definitely go get a frog mount then).


Better yet, since I am losing a unique mount, how about Blizz let me choose a replacement from ANY mount in the system? I just want to keep what I already have

Maybe Ill choose a PvP rated title mount. I mean who cares that someoone earned it?

I want it, give it to me now!

You’re getting to comedic levels of mental gymnastics

Cairnage is using the word “faction” instead of “rep”.

just replace every instance of the word “faction” with “rep”, and you’ll understand what is being said :stuck_out_tongue: