Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

Would make no sense, since you could only need one account to be exalted then buy and mail to other accounts

Not really.

But essentially if you are getting the equipment for free if you have Strider…so what’s the problem, again?

SO to you it either or?

How about let us that haveit keep and and those that want it have the ability to add it. You know, like the sky golem?

Or is that too complicated to have everyone win?

I’m pretty sure the character with the rep gets the free piece, if you managed to get the rep on all of your characters, then they all would get it.


What are you even asking me?

That makes sense. I am in a weird situation where i don’t have access to the original character that has the exalted rep for the Anglers, although i do have the mount on my account. So I need to grind out the rep on one character again anyway. Not happy about any of this.

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Mounts are Battlenet account wide.
Faction is character wide.

If the character with faction is not on my main account today, that account loses the ability to walk on water until I activate the wow account with character that has faction so he can buy and sent to everyone else. No one else can buy it.

They should scrap the water walking equipment on all mounts and leave it exclusive to the water striders which makes more sense.

Using a dinasour mount walking on water just look retarded.


heh why do people say this?
nobody asked for most of the stuff in the game.

regardless, people have been asking for more options with mounts for a long time… so … they kind of did ask for it.

If it works on socketing mounts/all mounts.

Then that issue of faction doesnt matter.

You summon a statue that for some reason laser beams green smoke into people, and you think a dinosaur walking on water looks retarded?

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Either or.

Destroying water strider


Letting every mount water walk.

How about we get both? Why does it have to be you either get to keep water walking on the strider for free (well with your past grind)
vs letting every mount water walk for a price

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It looks retarded for me to ride a giant bug too.


Sub 10 mounts vs. 300 plus…

Hmm :thinking:

You do realize I’m a DK right? Why would I even have a water strider.

But you only get the discount on the character that has faction.

So on my account with characters that dont have faction, I lose water walking and cannot buy the replacement.

I have to go back to a character I havent level in what 6 years just to buy something because its faction lockede to that character where the water strider mount was not.

Are you not understanding that only those with the faction can buy the new shoes?

And if the equipment is account bound, faction does not matter. This is not hard to understand.

already have and free


Have to buy with correct faction on correct account.


Account-Bound items aren’t bound to faction. You can send to Alliance toons.

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Already have vs. Getting for free and account bound for all mounts.

LOL It is not account bound UNTIL it is purchased. TO purchase it from the vendor, you need the faction.