Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

Because the three choices are utility options and not ms buffs, which is the point. Realistically, what would even be a third option that wouldn’t be autopicked?

Yes you do

Because Waterwalking

This is the point I’d like to see clarification on. If every mount will have equipment slots, then that would suggest that you could apply different equipment to different mounts, and that equipment ability would be available to every character on your account (over lvl 20) for that particular mount.

This is a pretty cool idea and one that provides more player choice, which Blizz seems to be emphasizing in all their 8.2 videos.

The description I am reading through Blizz, however, seems to indicate that it doesn’t matter what mount you put, for example, water walking on - whether its a fox or a drake or a horse or a motorcycle, ALL mounts will then have water walking across all characters, until you decide to switch it. So if you have all 4 pieces of equipment in your inventory, you can choose one at a time, and all mounts use it.

If only one equipment effect can be used at a time, and ALL mounts get that effect, then it makes zero sense to have equipment slots at the mount level - it should just be an extra trinket slot or something on the character.

The video I watched on Twitter yesterday seemed to imply that different equipment could be used on different mounts, but that effect would apply to that mount across all characters.

Well this argument is moot any way if they are giving people who had the strider the WW equipment for free. We could sit here and play verbal tennis but that will get us nowhere. I understand some of your points but I disagree with others. So lets get some popcorn.

Which again…solves the issue.

ok, so according to Hazel, those mount “gems” are going to be made by crafting professions. So are they going to completely replace the current craftables that add a little extra temp buff to your mounts like the LW barding?

If we get to keep our temporary buffs from crafting AND the new socket, I would be ok with this. It hardly changes anything except I have to work to give all my toons waterwalking, AGAIN, when they all had it a few moments before anyway.

But if it is the new socket & everything else is gone, then NOOOOO!

You know whats wrong?

We have to grind again with the anglers to unluck the mount water walking equipment.

Its like a slap in our face, for those who already did that.

And I am happy with that I was just under the impression we were going to have to go through all the work to get something we already had in the first place…somehow I missed the part that Cantz pointed out.

Its profession made. It’s only given to people if they have Strider, meaning…you probably can buy these off AH

No you don’t, it will actually be alot cheaper for you than anyone else. If you meant on another toon. The item is going to be account-wide, you could just mail it from your main/toon with the rep.

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the waterwalking Mount Equipment (there will be one available via Anglers reputation that will be bind-on-account)

This I found on MMO-Champion

  • The Mount Equipment that prevents being dazed is created by blacksmiths.
  • These equipment slots are like gems. They last until you replace them with another one.
  • If you have the Water Strider mount, you receive the water walking mount equipment for free in the mail on patch day.
  • Furthermore, if you already have the strider you can buy the water walking mount equipment for a substantially reduced price from the vendor who sold you the mount.
  • The Water Strider will no longer be able to walk on water without the equipment slot.
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Which means to replace Strider. If you didnt farm Strider before…and now finding issue with it? Why are you complaining now.

So what about those of us that changed mains and no longer have the character that leveled the rep with? If that character was deleted, will I have to undelete them?

I have 4 accounts under my battlenet ID. All have access to the strider. Only 2 characters on one account I played in MoP have the rep. I havent payed for that account to be active in over a year.

Will I have to activate another account to go buy the consumables? or will the rep now be account bound like the strider and all my characters will be at Exaulted and able to purchase the shoes?

Still a disaster

The main point here is Ion have been hating on the striders for years now, on legion he wanted to nerfed it badly but people reacted and he couldnt.

He finally found a way to destroy it.

So every existing character will be mailed a free water walking “gem” on patch day? This entire thing is about as clear as mud to me. That would make little sense, but would be good. I doubt they would make it that easy (cheap) to acquire for all existing characters.

What, by making your entire mount collection be able to walk on water instead?

Nobody asked for it.

that’s bad.
i’m sad.

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