Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

Literally the two besides anti daze are DoA, WW will see use at max…but that parachute one when flying comes out.

Being a tank does that too. Should we remove daze immunity from tanks and make this even worse, then?

From what I read, the water walking equipment will be usable from level 20.

I also don’t use the heirloom mount after level 40, its actually slower than 100% mount speed.

Whoops. Meant 40.

Are all classes in the game tanks? How is this equivalent?

No, because that’s spec dependent. Like how WW is class dependent.

i am fine if they want to add a water walking equipment slot but honestly there is no reason to take it away from those who have the strider already.

Because then everyone would use anti daze outside of tanks…the third option is just garbage.

I’m not really even sure what you’re arguing with me anymore.

Initially you pointed out that there was no herb picking equipment slot and I noted the craftable item existed in game currently and I assumed it would be incorporated to mount equipment at some point.

Literally was just a prediction.

There is no herb gathering equipment. No equipment will be dead on arrival because of the golem.

The people with the Water strider get mailed the water walking equipment for free. All their mounts will be able to water walk when patch goes live.

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So, they can limit the slots on the Azure strider…doesn’t mean they should take it away from the mount.

Well if that is true then I can live with that. Thanks Cantz.

I do think they should, because then it creates a demand on one equipment only.

Taking away the ability from a very easy farmed rep mount…helps create the diverse system.

Being forced to use one mount out of hundreds for 4 expansions is not fun. it is the opposite of fun. if they are allowing you to water walk in any mount, this is fun. You can’t twist this into a bad thing.

If it is so easy to farm why doesn’t everyone have it and why do we need a water walking equip slot to begin with?

Because they wanted people to use the system.

I will use the system for other things like anti-tank daze and such but again if getting the strider is so easy then we shouldn’t need a water walking slot in the first place.

Because Path of Frost.

If you don’t think it is an improvement, equip the water walking buff that you get for free and don’t use the others. even on the worse case scenario you will still be getting all your other mounts water walking. You can’t twist this into a bad thing.

Do you get one free per character? If not, yea it’s detracting and forcing people to spend gold on something they already had.