Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

Imagine if a mount gave everyone shield wall or charge.

What choice? On average people replace their car after 100,000 miles or before hitting that markā€¦which is around 5-6 years

Consumer Reports say that a new vehicle can last for 150000 but most consumers do not keep a car that long

Iā€™m happy about this change.

Iā€™m going to copy-pasted my thoughts that I posted on another topic, because I genuinely want to understand opposing views.

Most of the people Iā€™ve seen give criticism donā€™t seem to understand the following confirmed facts:

  • If you have a Waterstrider, you get a FREE water walking equipment on the toon that has the rep.
  • If you have a toon at 100, the equipment system is unlocked ACCOUNT-WIDE.
  • If you have a Waterstrider, you can buy a heavily discounted account-bound waterwalking equipment, which any alt can use when they unlock mounts at level 20.

I genuinely donā€™t understand, if people are aware of the above 3 facts, how anyone can be upset at this? You can keep what you earned, you just have a tiny little hoop to jump through first.

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Iā€™d say its the people who use the anti-daze crafted items with their water striders who have an issue. I on the other hand donā€™t see an issue but only because Iā€™m a DK and also a tank, best of both worlds.

Buying a new one on your own accord or having it taken from you are two different things. I never said anything about buying a new car, I said the car was taken from you. You put your own spin on it and had nothing to do with what I said.

They are consumables, they are finite, they donā€™t give you a class ability permanently since mop.

So what was the option for water walking then? Have the mount or play a different class?

They werenā€™t used

Actually my rogue uses the anti-daze one all the time. I know Vanish is also an answer not when its on CD.

It is probably a cheap enough item that allow you to buy hundreds of it. And Iā€™m not sure if you get one for each toon if you have the water strider.

That was nerfed the moment you could get it from an afternoon Timewalking

Hm. I probably should have invested for my mage then.

But, I think the problems level requirement.

Well they donā€™t exactly have a level requirement, they have a zone requirement which I guess at the end of the day is the same thing.

Youā€™ve had nothing taken away. In fact you are being given an early advantage. The moment 8.2 drops you get to add water walking to ALL your mounts for FREE.

In addition, for as long as you play you get to buy additional tokens at a discount!!!

Again, you are getting an advantage!!

So stop with the entitled moaning

I use all three for my for herb gathering on my alt.

Point is these items already exist in game. Not sure what their status will be when this releases but I imagine these items will get incorporated at some point or still work with mount equipment.

Thatā€™s all I was saying.

Same difference. Again, Iā€™d rather lose water Strider to have anti daze

I guess you are getting thisā€¦ kind of. You just equip the anti-daze mount equipment and off you go.

Yes and your point is irrelevant since the water strider is not a consumable, it is not craftable, it heavily encourages you to not use any other mounts, it make class abilities obsolete. How can you not see this? A scroll does not delete 99% of all mounts in the game, it is not the same thing.

Think of it like this. You use heirloom mount til 60, then you have item where you are anti daze.

Because the water strider would basically make one of the equipments dead on arrival.