Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

Well from what I can see you can use the equipment at 20, but now on ALL mounts, so obviously they didn’t think it was OP at all.

Op meaning the one mount was the only mount that could do such things, which they hated.

Yea god forbid there is anything unique in the game anymore ><

And they better not charge me thousands of gold for something I already had on all of my alts before this!

One set. These equipment items are like gems, once you replace them the former item is toast so if you want it again it has to be purchased again.

What’s next, blizz removing path of frost for DK and water walking for shaman? Will everyone be rolling those classes now because of those spell functionalities? The logic is ridiculous.

The most oppressed wow mount there has ever been.

They should make flight or under water use an “equipment” item just like water walking. No reason to treat them differently.

You can put water walking on one mount another function on another mount. If you change your mind later of course it should cost.

This is jumping to conclusions and has no basis of fact.

I spent some dedicated time to get the Water Strider for it’s ability. I do not like the mount for any reason other than that. Giving players the ability to bypass the strider grind and use a different preferred mount does not bother me. Just like the fact that DKs and Shaman already can already trivialize the strider grind doesn’t bother me.

we’re thinking this, because… why would we need a vendor item which can apply the water walking ability, if water walking is permanent once the item has been used?
…and do people want all their mounts to have constant waterwalking?

If it applies to individual mounts, i think we’ll manage to survive.

If it applies to the characters collection, then… i’m not sure i’m a fan.

gonna need a source on this.

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I agree that there is no need to nerf the water strider mount. It’s pretty sad actually, because it is very easy to get now if you’re a regular player.

This is spreading misinformation, people that attend summit already explained how it works.

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It was a question who said anything anywhere near to it being a fact? Exactly who is jumping to conclusions here?

Ok so hazel says it’s all mounts per player character. That being said, I will be waiting to see what happens on the ptr or live.

Please tell me where you are getting that mounts will have individual equipment from. On the reveal vod he said that the slot is on your character and is applied to all mounts. Liveblog of the Patch 8.2 Rise of Azshara Content Preview Stream he talks about the mount equipment at about 00:58:00.

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You got years of use out of it.

Plus you get a free token

Plus you can buy more at a greatly reduced price.

You were more than amply “compensated”.

Time to put those big boy pants on and face the day!

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Complaining about a system that was just fine, and seems like a waste of resources, in a time where people are pretty sick and tired of the way things are structured regarding classes and loot systems.

Seems believable to me.

Remember how many issues “Legacy Loot” fixed? Remember how game-breaking it was for people to be able to go back and solo raids from the previous expansion? Good thing they built a complex system around that too, right?

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Years of use? That’s enough for using a mount as it was intended?

If someone took your car away, would you be so non-chalant about it since you got years of use out of it already? Somehow I dont think you would be.

Are the going to also take away the fact that tanks dont get dazed?

I’m curious what all blizz has not told us about of this new concept. Guess we shall see in the few days to come. I hope I am wrong and they aren’t using the glitz and glam to hide the fact that they are removing other abilities regarding mounts and the way they react to situations presently.

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People are buying or leasing new cars after so many years after buying and using their old car, that’s not a good comparison

The time spent getting that rep really isn’t as valuable as some of you seem to think it is. Everything we’re doing here is going to end up in the Recycle Bin at some point. Its really not that big a deal. I have the water strider and this change just doesn’t bug (heh) me in the slightest.

It’s all about choice.