Eh, just watched the stream to double check, and I’m still not seeing this as a problem.
the best answer is even more water striders more colours
green, purple and pink
the things I would do for a pink water strider
I’d love a purple one, personally.
Oh blizzard ,this is a good idea ,please make it so.
I’m guessing you’re not an altoholic like myself. Right now, all my characters have the option to use the water strider at no cost whatsoever. Once its ability is removed, I’ll have to purchase equipment for all of them. And if I want water walking, I can’t have any other of the equipment abilities on a different mount.
If the equipment slot was per mount, I would be ecstatic about it. But since it’s per character, and affects all mounts for that character (but no other characters), I see it as a net loss, not a gain at all.
I feel sorry for all the people that got the Crimson Water Strider…all them lunkers and all that fish now for nothing…Thanks Actiblizz…Classic you better not suck, you’re our only hope…Who in the crap came up with the stupid idea to put crap on mounts…like is someone just sitting around thinking of ways to just do this mess. So many other things in game they could fix
I’m going to go back and get that strider now just out of spite. At this point I’d rather play WoD than BfA.
I have over a dozen characters at 110+. And you’re not losing functionality if you’re keeping the same capability that you have now. Other people just get to make different choices about what mount equipment they want.
I am concerned that we are going to lose all of our extra profession perks like the saddles, the stirrups, & horse shoes. Right now I can throw on my leatherworking thing that keeps me from getting dazed. I can put on my blacksmithing things that enable me to interact with items while mounted & increase my movement speed. And I can pop a Darkmoon Faire potion that allows me to gather mats faster. I can have all of this on me all at the same time. If I use my Water Strider, I also have water walking. Many, many buffs that I use all the time for my gathering professions: Mining, skinning, herbs. So once the patch hits, I have to give ALL that up & choose only ONE of the above? Water walking or not getting dazed? They are removing the items from our professions?
There are six water strider skins in the game, but only two are available to players.
No, it’s not an improvement, but it doesnt take anything away either. People that are upset about this could just look at it as a positive because it is expanding water walking to all of their mounts. But instead they look at it as " It gives everyone an ability of their choice. But since I’ve had water walking all this time already so I’m not sharing in the benefit. Since I did this thing 3 expansions ago they should let me have an extra".
I just see it as selfish entitlement. People have grinded out lots of things in past expansions that become irrelevant as the game progresses. If Bliz didnt let old ideas die or create new ones because it might undermine something that someone did years ago the game would die of stagnation.
This change adds an improvement to the lives of crafters, adds a quality of life/utility improvement for everyone, and gives a small amount of customization and thought to each players gameplay.
And for anyone arguing that this is a slap in the face for people that earned it, it’s an ability. People could get the same thing from a potion or class spell. It was never exclusive, it doesnt have any vanity appeal outside of the mount itself, and the grind wasn’t exactly hard, especially since you could get it with the rep tokens sold by timewalking vendors.
So… the underlight angler?
Slow fall… engineering tinker to cloak is permanent until you change cloaks, at least.
How do you know they are not taking anything away? If they are giving us a slot like this, they obviously intend on removing other buffs to consolidate coding. Those items would be the ones made by the profession (crafting). So instead of being able to use 5 items at one time, you can now only use ONE. How is that something to get excited about?
Every single time I tried, I regretted it. I can’t trade functionality for style. So the Sky Golem for any toon with herbalism (no choice, no other mount makes any sense) and water strider as the only ground mount for all toons. This is how it has been for several years now, and I know Bliz works hard to make new mounts, but I won’t buy any, won’t farm any, and don’t even use the ones I get.
They do need to fix the system - and this is one way to do it. I approve.
And they may not disable barding in this expansion. However, once the anti-daze mount equipment becomes part of the game, how likely do you think they are to bring back barding in 9.0? Given how Blizzard loves to “streamline” the game, I can very easily see barding being removed because “having to reapply a consumable is too complex”; if you want anti-daze, you’re supposed to pick the appropriate equipment.
If they had implemented it per mount, I doubt there would be a fraction of the complaints, even if we did need to do the initial item purchase per alt. Being able to set mounts with different abilities would be an absolutely amazing system.
So they AREN’T letting us have one equipment per mount?
Problem solved, can stop being mad now.
Unless there’s some hidden secret reason for you all to still be mad I don’t know about.
In GENERAL, not just for this topic per say - I think you already know the answer/outcome to this comment. People are going to be angry/upset regardless of the answer/solution so on and so forth.
It’s late, good night thread.
Yeah, as far as the “mount equipment” goes, I think it’s pretty stupid and one more unnecessary change. Leatherworkers make barding, tailors make saddle blankets (which never really had an effect implemented), blacksmiths make stirrups… and they’re all temporary buffs. That gives professions purpose. This new system is once again streamlining and undermining gameplay. It is also further retracting from nuances and functionality. It seems right that if you come up on a body of water that you stop and pull out the mount that is intended to have the water walking trait if you want to cross. If you’re chasing after someone or running from someone there are hazards that can affect the encounter. I guess in summary, this idea:
Devalues a mount that players already worked hard to obtain. How many water striders are we going to ever see again if this goes through? It’s not like they look super awesome. People use it because of it’s function.
Devalues the utility that classes like DKs, Shaman, and Priests bring to the table
Devalues professions. Even if equipment is made through professions, they seem to be more permanent which would mean there would be less of a demand for the perks because once you got the traits you want to use, you don’t need to get them again unless you want to change up. (Similar to glyphs or gems). Also, I wonder if the traits are meant to extend to all usable mounts or if we’re supposed to acquire the equipment for the mounts we want to apply it to?
It takes away from immersion to the environment. Water? What water? I just keep on riding because my mount of choice has inflatable water shoes perma-equipped.
Is completely unnecessary. Why try to fix something that isn’t broke? Put the effort into areas of the game that need attention. Complexity is good when it comes to character abilities, not mounts. I would rather see specific mounts have specific perks like the water strider.
This is my take on it. I think this is a bad idea.