Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

No, I meant there are items already in the game to allow you to get around multiple issues. Leatherworkers can create an anti-daze item, and blacksmiths can create a speed up and interact with objects item.

Mount equipment will likely start small. The presentation included anti-daze, slow fall, and water walking. Will likely include others in time if not immediately.

You’re welcome, glad to help!

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I never liked the look of the Water Strider. I only used it because it was the only mount that walked on water, it was the water-walking that dominated, not the strider itself.

I dont understand why removing water walking from the strider, AND limiting mount equipment slots to one, was a good thing??

What if I want anti-daze, and also need to go over water… Why not let the strider keep the water walking?

Seems like the devs dont play their own game? I cant imagine why the strider needed a nerf AND limit one mount equipment at a time…

But if for the purpose of balancing PvP, why not make it only nerfed in PvP? I dont understand the mindset of devs sometimes. This set of decisions leaves me somewhat confused as to the intent of the nerf.

Edit to add: I hope they dont nerf my Travel form…

I have no answers to the questions you are posing, I was merely posting the info for someone else who asked for an actual link.

They had FINALLY gotten the [Summon Random Favorite Mount] logic working NICELY.

If you were in a flying zone, it picked a flying mount.
UNDER the water, it used an underwater mount.
Near the surface of water, ankle deep in water… or heck, even just standing close to water in many cases… IT AUTOMATICALLY PICKED THE WATER STRIDER.

One button. Right Mount. Nearly every time.

So they go and break it.


I worked hard for both my striders. LEAVE THEM ALONE, unless we get MULTIPLE Mount Equipment slots, let us pick something else for “All our other ground mounts” and use the water strider for what it was intended.

I’m all for making it easy for everyone else to get water-walking.

Just respect the fact that a lot of us worked harder for it and deserve the CHOICE to use it or something else without having to burn 1000g at a time to switch.


[quote=“Nyri-stormrage, post:348, topic:148814”]
I have no answers to the questions you are posing, I was merely posting the info for someone else who asked for an actual link.
[/quote] I just have these questions, not meant as a direct message to you specifically, just saying in general. Sorry for the confusion.

No worries.

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Agree with the OP on this. Blizz needs to stop removing things from the players. When they started removing cards in Hearthstone was the day I quit playing, and never returned. Are they that bad at understanding what their customers want? Is their ego that big? I really don’t understand this.

Can literally only get the water walking equipment from anglers rep. Basically if you have a strider now you are fine. If you want to walk on water next patch…gotta farm angler rep anyway.

I disagree, with you on this for the most part. The mats you get from low-level gear is useless in every game I have seen outside of leveling profs for max level gear. I have never seen a game where you could get max level matts or upgrade low-level gear to end game gear, please point out a few games that do this as I would love to know them.

You can break down BFA gear into matts and you NEED to do it to make the few good items we can craft, disenchanting too which was WoW’s version of useing lesser gear to increase the power of your current gear. Profs suck in WoW and need to change but this is a thing that is currently in BFA.

According to Google next to no one plays that game, it’s a petty dead game so the leftover player base should have more of an impact and more consolidated opinions on things compared to a game that still has millions (or at least hundreds of thousands.) like WoW. I don’t know what they messed up with that game to change back but ‘most’ of WoW’s changes were good in my opinion, not all of them, of course, there are tons of things I disagree with. Blizzard messed up a few classes here and there and need to work on things still but compared to other games they are not doing too badly.

We were getting new skills over the years and things were getting bloated, pruning was needed, sadly many of us disagree with what was taken. I still think enhancing our characters skills for added effects and power should a better choice over adding a ton of new skills.

GW2 is a MMORPG just like WoW, it’s literally in their website name. Pokemon is a RPG too just so you know.

It’s the same exact thing it just looks different. For low levels, it’s done so we can finish questing in a zone while leveling, was a great change after they fixed the balancing. It’s set up to stop scaling them when you get to the point you move on to the next tier of levels.

For BFA scaling it’s so that we don’t one shot max level mobs, world content is still important for max level players in WoW with WQ’s, other quests and grinding mobs, you are still overpowered with decent gear. I can easily pull every single mob around my area (Within range before they reset.) and AOE it all down with characters at a lowly 385 Item-level without any trouble.

In other games when you get an expansion you don’t get so many seasons and patches that greatly increase your power. If it was one season and then we are done max level scaling would be pointless but it’s needed with how WoW works. Even more so this time around with the power jumps we get after each season.

I think the only way the original complaint about “losing” water walking works is if the barding consumables go away… which would be a nerf to professions as well… and blizz did NOT say that was happening.

Otherwise you can still have WW on your strider, and use barding which is not a nerf… or buff, its the same as it ever was.

The fact that people can have WW on any mount imo is awesome… and i spent a couple of weeks grinding rep and lunkers to get mine.

Last… bliz will not allow innate WW on striders because then you can use the mount slot on anti daze with another mount and have the best of both worlds… which obviously is not their intent… Golem aside this change is mainly about WW and not picking flowers so that is why they are leaving golems alone.

EXACTLY! Just leave the strider without the extra equip slot. Especially when it’s trivial to farm the strider now with rep tokens. I mean let’s face it, most people are going to go for the anti daze anyways, and WW breaks on attack, so it’s not like it’s hurting anyone, and it’s a benifit to people who farmed those mounts.

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Strider being nerfed when 8.2 comes ,if you buy it and if you already have it too.

Will one of the mount equipment options be to remain mounted while harvesting and if so, will that ability be removed from the Sky Golem?

If Blizzard doesn’t want us to use our waterstriders so much, maybe they should create less tedious and wet terrain.

Ok? And? You can water walk on any mount. Who cares. Honestly I’m tired of looking at the strider.

I’m really getting confused by this thread and the stuff I’m reading about the mount equipment.

Some are saying putting the equipment in one mount’s slot affects all your mounts (because that was the wording Blizz used in the stream). Others are saying each mount has its own slot, so each can have different equipment.

Which one is right?

This is a ludicrous argument given that they implement things all the time that devalue previous work. At the end of Legion they nerfed artifact weapons which devalued them but I got to use the artifact for all of Legion which is the point. You had a water strider for a long time. They are just making it easier for other people to get the same benefit. This takes nothing away from you.

It matters for those that worked hard to get the water strider.

I don’t care. I put this grind off forever and finally did it so I could skip the trash in certain BfA dungeons.

Now I feel like a sucker, and I’m not paying anything extra to any quartermaster just so I can have the same functionality of my mount on every single alt I have, and I’m not going to mail one of them back and forth every time I jump on a different toon.

Blizzard keeps trying to teach me a lesson, and I think it’s time I started listening.

AND YOU ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT CAN WALK ON WATER AFTER THE PATCH. Reading is hard. It is explicitly stated there is ONE equipment for it and it is from Angler Rep.