Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

…least I got popcorn.

allowing water strider to remain with water walk is a great compromise. i’ll simply slot anti-daze perk and continue using my macro that summons water strider whenever i’m in water.

hopefully down the line they consider adding a perk for herbalism and mining :raised_hands:

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It’s not a nerf it still has the ability to water stride .It’s just because the ability would be on other mounts that they due to an equipment slot.
I’m still going to use my strider ,i’ll just equipment something else for the rest of the mounts.

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whispers Anti-Daze

You’re not angry enough! Did you not notice a thing happened?

That would be a good choice :+1:

you seem to not be understanding.

your strider can no longer walk on water without the equipment.
if you want water walking, you’re restricted to water walking.
you can’t use something else on another mount.


I keep 3. I use Invincible or Horseman mount since both look good on the ground or in the air. Other of course transmog/waterstrider.

Anti-daze eeeeeeasy choice. Although the 12 minutes my alts will save over the course of an expansion with water walking IS tempting…

And where do they says that? Give the link or post.

Looks like Sky Golems won’t be able to equip anything because they already have an “ability”. Just makes the Water Strider nerf more inconsistent.

Well the Sky Golem flight animation also looks like it’s being driven by a drunk hozen, so that’s 2 strikes.

Water Strider Nerf

Because of the dominance of Water Strider, they are removing its ability to walk on water according to T&E. However as Blizzard clarified, if you have the mount equipment system unlocked, you can use the equipment on level 20 characters.

T&E announced that if you have a Water Strider on 8.2’s launch, you will get a free [Inflatable Mount Shoots] item which lets all your mounts walk on water. In addition, if you head to the vendor where you bought a Water Strider, you’ll be able to buy more of this item for a greatly reduced price as an advantage for those who already have the Water Strider.

I suggest you read the entire thing from wowhead to get the full understanding of what is going on.

So really just because it was popular or “fun” they targeted it for a nerf. Incredible.

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Rather not WW than get dismounted in the middle of 3-4 mobs wailing on me as a caster in my lower level.

They have been trying to nerf water strider for three expansions so this isn’t surprising.

I bet we’ll need pathfinder to use the mount equipment next expansion.

Ok,Blizzard great job there work hard to achieve the mount only to be nerf .Is this another path you’re creating like we had before when wanted to take the mount out of the game.You are ruining you’re own game if you did this nerf.

Portal prune all over again. Claim it is an improvement when it is really not. :frowning:

Thank you Nyri for the info :+1:

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