Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

Its when you take a pineapple slice and bake cheese and slices of ham on it.

That’s exactly what a pineapple pizza would want me to think!

Lets be real for a moment though: The anti-daze equipment is probably the most useful thing there for leveling. Others seem actually situational.

Which even then, isnt useful until you have the second level of riding.

If my tank was a BDK, I probably wouldn’t have thought of it as being a problem. But people actually do run M+ with other tanks. If all I was doing was going for optimal play rather than the people I play with, however, I wouldn’t be running with a BDK anyway, obviously.

And yeah, if you can’t do the skip through things like the water striders, it generally is a matter of life or death, usually death. Those first few packs are extremely nasty, with roaming pats and multiple bombers in a small space. The people I do high end keys with could probably handle it, but my guildies, who I also run keys with? No way.

It’s just more unintended consequences that I’m sure they haven’t even thought of. It’s why I object to the entire concept of a level squish. I know they’ll screw stuff up they never even thought of, just like there are various mobs out there that still have messed up scaling after two item squishes.

That’s fine, I just don’t see the point in removing the water strider’s functionality to implement it.

If you’re gonna eat a pineapple pizza, at least put anchovies with it :crazy_face:

I don’t really see what the issue is. You get a free account use WW thingy you can use on all your mounts if you have the strider. I worked for it, but I don’t feel cheated by this being a new thing. I’d love to be able to use w/e mount I wanted regardless if I have to cross water(I’m always forgetting WW potions LOL).

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Hey man, if I had to lose the ability to passively WW on a mount to get anti-daze after level 60…hell, I’d shoot the bug.

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We call those people “wrong”.

Cant you use an underwater mount?

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I 100% have the same feelings.

Rip leatherworking.

Outside of the Legion mount it gave me, good.

There are several threads popping up on this topic as well as another. I think they’re having a contest to see which topic can have the most amnt of threads. lol Nothing new for GD. :wink::rofl:

“Fun Detected! Quickly apply nerf!”

Not really a surprise anymore.


Dont worry Path of Frost isnt being touched, so take a seat.

They are nerfing the fun out of this game fast. :frowning:

Your meta is out of date, dude. BDK is not the top tank for M+ now by stretch of the imagination.

Also, no, you cannot use an underwater mount. Even things like levitate get you killed by the insta-kill shark in the water.

It had one thing left. :\

strider is having ww removed.
you can’t have both.
it’s one or the other.

removing its passive ability to walk on water is a nerf.

i did a wee bit of profile stalking… it seems some of the people causing the most drama, don’t have either of the striders.

…surely they wouldn’t be posting here just to cause unrest???

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Ok, so what stops you from buying the equipment then?

Oops forgot that Prot is #1 now, and BDK is #2. My mistake?

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