Water Strider Discussion

Flying mounts walking on water without patchfinder flying is just as absurd. Current devs are a clueless bunch.


Apparently if its not taking gold or time from the players in some way then its not good for the game.


They are turning everything into a sink…and players are sinking in the mud. Slow, strenuous and stress inducing game play which is NOT fun.


If this system was tied to individual mounts account wide this would be great. That isn’t the case in its current form and I hope they change their minds on that. It’s actually better for the games economy to have it tied to individual mounts since now there is 400+ mounts an individual would want an equipment piece for or at the very least their favorite 10 and would want more as they get a new mount they like.

There honestly isn’t many locations where I feel a need to use my water strider and when I do I’m willing to remount for it so saying it feels like a mandatory mount is pretty extreme in my eyes.

Herbalists on the other hand if you have a sky golem anything else feels terrible to use. The difference in time saved because you could grab a herb near a mob while mounted then run away compared to dismounting fighting it then remounting is huge. That feels mandatory and I hate looking at the mount at this point because I’ve been put in a situation where I’m not efficient with my time when I don’t use it. I have many mounts I would much rather use.

Clearly the tech is there to disable the mount equipment slot for certain mounts so why not leave the water strider as is? It leaves benefit for those of us who farmed it without it being seen as an “unfair” advantage since it would be obtainable on other mounts. Also if the equipment works how the strider does normally you’re going to have to remount in many cases near the water since you got hit somewhere running around before the water


This Blizz - this is what you have become, ignorant to the fact that all you have been doing these past expansions is taking more and more of our time for less and less reward. Rewards which might not survive another stupid choice tomorrow.


I am soo over it. There is literally no point in playing if blizztard is going to revoke every single thing we earn.


Don’t respect the players time and effort and you might find them elsweyr.


Yeah WoW is no longer a MMORPG as they are going to double down on expansion rental systems and consumables.

They are no longer innovating or improving the game as it is contracting in a bad way.


I seriously think they have pissed me off to the point of going back to playing anything else.


I abhor the Sky Golem due to all the damn noise, the clanking and stomping, etc. I still use it since there is no other efficient means of herbing, and with the amount of herbs needed for other professions I’m on it more than I care to be.

I wish this equipment system allowed other mounts to become herb mounts as well. Just leave the ability alone on the Golem, as people have acquired them already due their ability. I’d happily never go back to the Golem.


This design philosophy is just exhausting. Exhausting to feel like I need to be ever-vigilant against the next nerf, exhausting to not be able to trust a word they say.

The camel’s back is definitely creaking.


Why not have the strider work like the Sky Golem?

People can still choose to equip the water shoes if they want to use another mount to water walk with.


EXACTLY - why do this to your customers?


I worked dang hard for the strider during MoP. How DARE you STEAL time from my LIFE! Every minute of every hour I spent to grind out that mount has been stolen from me. I feel violated.


lol “worked”.


waves at Gnome Run person

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Sing it sister gnome!


Do you realize that regardless of what the price is - you’re charging players to gain something they’ve already had for years?

Why can’t you just treat the water strider like the sky golem?


So basically it’s the same old story: all the feedback has been heard by Blizz, but nothing is going to be changed.

Guess I should just consider it a new form of “fun” in having to use my “free” water walking equipment on my main’s mounts so that his water strider can once again walk on water.

And then there’s all the extra “fun” of then having to go to the Angler’s and by 21 more of them at the “reduced” price so that all my alts can restore the ability to use their water striders like they can currently.

Guess this is why the Blizz devs have Ph.D.'s in “fun” and we, the players, are only amateurs because we don’t understand why it is so much “fun” to have to go through that extra trouble and expense to restore the mount functionality that we currently have.

/moo :cow:


I ask this sincerely - why are you cherry picking ONE response from a thread well over 1k responses?

Especially when the most common request and question relates to treating the Strider like you’re treating the Sky Golem? Which btw - would still accomplish the goal you’re “trying to address”.