Water Strider Discussion

I have both striders and wouldn’t care if Blizzard posted them both to every player free. I found them fun to get and got them for their usefulness - there’s never been prestige attached to them that I’ve known of.

Free for one toon, not free for my other 99.

“We’ve just made”?
If you’re going to speak for Blizzard, have the guts to do it in Blizzard script.
Or stop pretending to represent Blizzard.

If Blizzard had wanted us to have a choice they could have made boats with water walking. This change will remove choice.


Problem with this - You are taking away player choice here. We made our choice to use the Water Strider. You(Blizzard) attempted to remove the Water Walking ability past the Expansion they were gained in. You received extreme backlash over it. How is this truly any different than then?


Water walking is not used by herbing bots. Sky Golems are.
Makes you wonder…


For real. The dude jumps off the dragon and it breaths fire on it’s landing location. Doesn’t get much cooler than that


Most people I see are calling for the Water Strider to be excluded from the system like the Sky Golem will be.


Well, I guess I will have to keep my druid leveled now. Sky Golem is going to be nerfed eventually.


Yeah even the blues are making vague threats if something is too useful.


Mounted Herbing has been busted since BC with druids just flying in for nodes, what bugs me is you make changes of things that the players don’t view as problems. You make more problems than solutions by removing things, similar to how portals were removed and how you didn’t listen to player feedback on that and now have to add more portals later because you REFUSED TO LISTEN when it was important to listen. By removing inert Waterwalking from the striders, you’re removing work and effort that players put in for those mounts specifically to be able to walk on water, but you don’t view Herbing while mounted an issue, you don’t view tanks/shielded units unable to be dazed off a mount(which is an equipment upcoming) an issue, so at what end does the hypocrisy finally conclude? Because I’m sure Waterwalking isn’t the last thing you’re planning on removed to screw over the playerbase.


You are incorrect.

1 of most peoples toons will receive the free water walking benefit. No alts will receive a benefit. If that toon uses anti-daze then you will have to re-buy the water walking benefit.

MAKE THE WATER STRIDER permanent! Enable me to add water walking to something and guess what! I won’t complain any more and will probably add it more than once to various mounts, such as the Dreadwake.


When I am out herbing, if I choose any mount besides the Sky Golem to use, I have made the “wrong choice.”

I dunno about you, but being stuck using only one mount for herbing sounds absolutely boring as hell

If I am starting a new character from level 1, if I do not use the Chauffeured Mekgineer’s Chopper, I have made the “wrong choice.”

I dunno about you, but being stuck using only one mount sounds absolutely boring as hell

As a hunter, with these changes, if I don’t have my water strider pet out, I will have made the “wrong choice”.

I dunno about you, but being stuck using only one pet sounds absolutely boring as hell

Why is the Water Strider mount being singled out for “right choice” status and needs to be fixed?


Just automatically apply the Water-walking shoes to all characters that have access to the Water Strider. Done.

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Then leave the water strider as is and just exempt it from the equipment.

If you guys wanted players to have mounts to choose from other than the water strider you could have put more water walking mounts into the game. Another option could have been to assign current mounts to families and just give more the passive water walking buff.

Not everyone hates the bugs. Nor does everyone want an army of water walking mounts. It’s nice having mounts with unique abilities. Not to mention giving all mounts water walking throws immersion right out the window. Dinos and mammoths walking on water? Yeah, nothing weird about that at all.

Having to re-earn something we already had on every character affected just sucks no matter how you want to try to spin things. Tell me why I should ever bother working to get something special (non-gear as there has always been an expectation to replace gear at some point) in this game if you guys are just going to remove what makes it special randomly somewhere down the line.


So, a mount whose ability is disabled the moment the player is attacked by a hostile mob is considered “much stronger” than a mount whose ability is retained regardless of damage? You must have an amazing ability to avoid the high mob density we’ve been enjoying the past two expansions.


One question and one issue.

  1. Sorry if this has already been answered somewhere, but what about druid travel form? Will we be effected by the mount equipment?

  2. Since we are about to get flying in current content the most logical choice will be the parachute since, why walk on water when you can fly, but since the water strider’s ability is being removed what about situations like the start of TD where most groups go to the far left to the first boss and use our waterstriders to do it. It makes little since to ALWAYS have float shoes on our mounts since we will be flying in open world but since we won’t have the water striders base ability we will be impacted in TD.

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Lol, how dumb will it look when a water-strider mount w/o water walking equipment starts sinking into the water.


Why good sir, this is the perfect opportunity to install some invisible walls and mandatory trash to stop those naughty little content skippers.

Like lava. Warm, embracing water lava.
Fill with jumping piranha.

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Ya know, I never really thought about that, but that is a much stronger ability than the strider. If the Golem lost it’s innate ability on hit like the strider, I could see it being similar in power to the strider.

No more NPC trains just smacking away on that vengence DH bot party.

We already have the ability to do everything. We currently can use water walking, anti stun, interact with objects while mounted and still pop a goblin glider in an emergency fall off of a mountain on any mount. Are there plans to take away those options in favor of this new system?

I have 45 characters, 40 of which are level 20 or above. I’m less interested in which mount has water walking than the fact that all of my level 20 alts can use the water strider without any extra steps, extra gold or having to manage an equipment system on all of them. This new system does not benefit my play style or interests, and I know I’m not alone in wishing that The Powers That Be at Blizzard would consider a wider range of game play styles when they implement new systems.


It is a sad era we are in with WoW where they prune anything useful or fun for players. :frowning:


I will be really disappointed if the sky golem functionality isn’t an optional ability.
I basically am forced to only use this mount as an herbalist, because of the nature of herbs, especially Anchor Weed, being almost always surrounded by mobs.

When I heard about this system, I was extremely excited, because I thought I wouldn’t have to exclusively ride that ugly mount, but now, for some reason, it seems like the Sky Golem and its ability aren’t being a part of this system?

I don’t really care one way or another, but it would be amazing to be able to finally ride other mounts and still be able to pick herbs without constantly having to fight off a bunch of mobs every time!