Water Strider Discussion

In my defense, I’m not defending Blizzard’s decision. I won’t be happy about it should it hit live servers. I’m merely saying that it is in testing and thus, open to change. The overreaction (which it truly is an overreaction at this point) is not necessary.

That’s how we get WoD and BfA quality content


this is all this does. Taking something away we worked for, thanks Blizz. No wonder people are leaving, Seems like you are always taking some thing from us


Once it goes live it will be too late.


The over reaction was the only way that theye didn’t remove the water walking from the strider last time they attempted it.


Especially when, right now, we can have a water strider with barding…but after the change, we will have to pick between the two abilities. Blizzard are masters at taking things away and making players believe they’re gaining a benefit from it.

What I haven’t seen clarified is whether the existing bardings and water walking elixirs will work with the new system, or if we’re losing all our options in the name of progress.


Exactly. It’s not live yet, nor will it be for at least a month. It’s still open to change.

Water striders take a lot of effort to get they shouldn’t be nerfed.


Ah. That makes sense, I guess, for each character to have the slot that applies to all their mounts. It would be a shame if they removed all the timed consumables that grant similar abilities (potions of water walking and anti-daze barding or embroidery), which judging by everyone’s reactions is what it seems they’re doing.

But if they’re not removing those specific timed consumables, but instead just adding mount equipment to give each character something new tied to their mounts, that’s more added than is subtracted. Much like before, though, everyone will just use the water shoes and probably purchase barding to keep from being dazed, so although we’ll have people riding different mounts, they’ll still pick whatever the most efficient-sounding ability for those mounts seems to be.

I dunno. I’ll wait until I can dink around with it myself on PTR or read up on it in more detail to pass judgement. I really appreciate the explanations, though, guys. :slight_smile:

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We’re still getting the equipment for free. Then we can use it on every mount. It’s a lot more convenient.

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I consider it a small fee to be able to have any mount do what that mount once did.

Did anyone like the Strider mounts so very much for simple appearance or style? If the Strider didn’t walk on water to begin with, would it still be one of your go-to rides?
They are kinda cute, but other mounts are cuter, or might match your outfit or character theme better.

It’s nice to be able to apply that utility to all the mounts you have.


This was not a issue that needed fixing. Warlocks had a water walking ability stripped away for “reasons” . Now something I worked for is getting removed for “reasons” . As for the other stuff they are “adding” it was alreadyy in the game in the form of stirrups , cat form, Dh glider, Goblin glider , levitate etc etc . Will they remove those as well?

I dont understand these devs that seam to be creating issues out of thin air to solve


Keep moving forward and don’t look back. Fix the issues that show up and keep on improving the game. That sounds a lot more like the dev team to me.


Well I mean they made a boat mount that does not float. I guess this fixes that? LMAO these are non issues that did not need a fix now . Glad to see these devs have priorities lol


Except they are not doing that. They dont really move forward. They move backwards, then sideways, then back again, then every foot forward they jump back 10


I love my water strider and it is, in fact, the primary ground mount for one of my low level alts. This toon rode it exclusively until he was level 50-something and the Legion pre-patch let me speed-level up to 100, then I replaced it with my jade panther.


I just saw that someone said when you get these boots, you equip them and then all your mounts will waterwalk… including your low level characters. You just have to be level 100 or whatever to initially equip it.

If that’s the case, then yeah… people are just complaining to complain at this point.


I got a fix for the water walking issue, Flying all the time . NExt issue why classes suck , lets fix that devs


Thus making the equipment for waterwalking next to useless.

You anti-Bliz shills and your sense for game design are the only sad things here.


It is no secret the devs hated the water strider. They wanted to remove the functionality (they did from PVP) and then they wanted to restrict it to MOP only etc etc etc.

I don’t expect them to backtrack on this. HOWEVER.

How about we don’t nerf the water strider?
How about we leave it with the passive waterwalking because

  1. It’s been in the game that way for like 7 years
  2. It makes sense the water bug walks on water like all the npc water bugs
  3. People earned the mount and the function is being taken away from them sub level 100

Instead treat it as the passive bonus like the herb mount. Water bug does not need to benefit from other mount gears. Leave the bloody bugs alone.

Why is that so hard?