Water Strider Discussion

Ok so if Iuse 1 all my mounts water walk? I’m alright with that

Apologies for not saying that sooner. Yes it’s like a mount slot. Not boots.

You only get 1 if you have the Water Strider. You the can buy the item again to apply to other mounts.

It’s universal so it goes to all mounts. Except sky golem.


It doesn’t add anything to the game. It takes something from you and expects you to play for an inferior version. Stop being an apologist. It’s just more of Ion’s anti-player decisions.


Ahh ok. My mistake. Thanks for clarifying

If they are letting other mounts do water walking, why does the current one need to have it removed?

Why cant there just be multiple mounts, including the strider, that can walk on water and we pick our favourite?

Why do the devs instead have to simultaneously remove something in an effort to force players to use a different mount?

Im tired of being told Im playing the game wrong for doing things available in the game.


I’m complaining that my freedom to play as I wish is being restricted even further. What if I don’t want to play this content? What if I don’t want to have to use whatever Mickey Mouse items are required on my 7 alts? What if I want to play the way I want, within the context of the game as it has been?

Oh, right, I can’t. Ion’s Way or no way. I’ve made my choice, and I’m glad to see the additional design decisions they’ve made just reinforce it. Can’t wait until next expansion and they have a portable vendor item you unlock, and restrict the yaks and mammoths.

What, you don’t think it’s coming?


It’s actually going to be very helpful for me when I level with my friends next xpac and have to walk on water with my mammoth. I always disliked not being able to do that.


Thanks for the clarification; is the equipment slot tied to the mount itself, or to your character? Or is that known for sure? And are they removing the water walking potions, too, or would they just be a secondary source of water walking (ostensibly for use by characters under level 100, who cannot use the mount equipment)?

Like, if the equipment is specific to that mount, I’d have no issue with the customizability the new system would offer. You just whack the shoes into your strider’s slot and go ham like always, but have the barding on your normal ground mount or some-such. Having to choose would probably mean most people would go with the water shoes, but I know there’s a lot of fans of barding.

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It’s tied to our character.

this thread is 100% the rabble rabble episode from south park


I suspect the price of these will be expensive for anyone without a water strider. So rejoice that we will be getting rewarded and also a discount.

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This thread is amazing. Blizzard has actually managed to condition people to accept their BS that they have to remove something in order to give us something.

The correct course of action, which should be beyond obvious, is add the new equipment functionality without removing the water strider ability.

That Blizzard has people defending removing one to get the other is incredibly sad.


According to the T&E video, it applies to all mounts. So, you can have ALL of your mounts be waterwalking mounts, or ALL of your mounts have a built-in parachute, or ALL of your mounts be anti-daze mounts, but you can’t customize them.


I’ve learned it’s better to just be grateful for the game Blizzard makes. We can’t change it. Just be happy with it.

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A discount for something that we already have with a mount we freaking earned? At this point I think you’re being willfully obtuse and just stirring the pot.


The only issue I have is giving it to water strider owners for free isn’t much of a perk unless it has some outrageous cost. I mean taking something away and giving it back for free isn’t much of a reward


Well let’s just hope the discount is less than 100 gold and that the item normally costs over 1k for anyone else. Otherwise a lot of people including me won’t be happy.


That, with all due respect, is a terrible attitude.

But I’m sure Blizzard wishes every customer would just take it, shut up and keep paying.