[my previous reply got flagged & deleted because I got inappropriatly ranty]
Basically I said: That’s a terrible reason. It’s like: “I made you a new sweater, but I worried you wouldn’t wear it and my effort would be for nothing, so I burned your other sweaters.”
It’s a terrible reason and one that has no place in software development. I’m sure Blizzard had other reasons (whatever they were) for this change, they just didn’t communicate them very well.
Because they want you to have to do the grind for the mount…but the mount itself means precisely squat now that ALL our mounts can WW.
wooohoooo .my yak walks on water.
The “compensation” is the ability to re-purchase water walking for your alts cheaper than the people who have to buy equipment on the AH. Don’t you feel compensated?
And according to the forums, it’s totally fine to remove things we’ve paid for, and charge us to get them back, as long as the price is low enough.
They didn’t take it away to sell it back. If you had the strider in the first place you water walk for free. If you didn’t have it before you have to pay for it. You can still grind the rep for the permeant version.
On toons over 100. My low level alts did not get the free water walking item.
And it remains an item rather than an intrinsic mount ability; my “permanent” water walking was on the strider, and turned out to be not so permanent after all.
Fact remeans they weren’t selling it back to you. I have the permanent ability for all of my characters as well, personally I’m fine with not having it on all of my toons below 100, it helps reinforce class fantasy while leveling. I felt like the water strider devalued my Path of Frost.
They weren’t? Then what do you call the gold I had to spend if I wanted my level 20 to level 99 toons to have the same mount functionality they had prior to the change?
You chose to buy it instead of waiting my dude. Does it suck they changed your access a little? Yes. Did they force you to shell out gold to get it back? No.
You’re ignoring the full context of what I said. No, I was not forced to buy it; I could have chosen to give up my mount functionality instead. But the choice was still “spend gold, or lose mount functionality”; there is no option for keeping the mount ability I already paid for on any character below 100.
You’re not paying attention to the full context of my reply. They didn’t remove your ability to water walk unless you paid gold. They changed when you can access water walking for free. They did the same thing with flying. Again, I don’t condone their decisions, but it’s disingenuous to say the only way to get it back is by buying it, and subsequently the argument that people like me are okay with having our abilities taken away and sold back is inaccurate and incorrect.