Whaaa, last time I tried that I got a red message saying “this character is not same faction as you!”. Think it was rep items you get from timewalking tokens
I was able to send them to horde toons from alliance toons
alliance side is no different.
the anglers items are account-bound.
I just learned of this as i just came back to the game to get flying in BfA and now have it.
I’m pissed off that I spent the time to get my Water Strider back in MoP and now it’s ability has been removed when it should have been left untouched!
I will never again waste my time going for useful mounts because I do not trust Blizzard will leave what I have done alone!
removing content especially fun content only results in players leaving the game, you’d figure that Blizzard would have learned that by now and with the first Q1 profits and lack there of coming out… it shouldn’t be long before competent replacements are made! and fun is restored! which will equal happy players and investors
Which takes up a slot that you can use for “Dazed” which is much more useful when we can’t fly at the start of new expansions… now you have no water walking mounts at all
There is no reason to nerf the water strider. I read the comments. Nothing is reasonable. Why not just delete the mount then? Idiots…
I guess part of the thinking was that making the striders un-special might encourage people to buy and use newer mounts.
And spend real money (or at least buy tokens for gold) to get them.
Hey devs, it’s not too late to revert the water strider nerf by giving it the herb golem equipment exemption. Heck, make it slower if you think it’s still too OP for the love of pupellyverbos unbreak it.
Immersion is good for the game.
Having special things is good for the game.
Water Strider getting that ability back means 0 reason to ever get WW equipment, no.
Supposedly people complained about the aesthetic of the water strider, which is supposedly why we even have water shoes in the first place. You can see folks claiming that all over this and every other strider thread.
If the main impetus for mount equipment was to change the look of the mount, how does exempting the bug at all nullify the reason for water shoes?
I’m one of them. it’s not ugly but it’s not the coolest looking thing either. I hate that I had to use it to WW all the time.
I agree. Having to use that model is unfortunate for those who dislike it. But exempting the Strider from an equipment slot will not effect your ability to choose another mount to WW on.
In the meantime I’m stuck clicking the the buff off on all my other mounts so that my Strider isn’t broken; + I only use the Strider on water - so guess what I am doing the majority of times I mount. Then there is that moment that I’m glassing over water on a mount that makes no sense to do so because I forgot the extra click. Not fun at all.
please stop bringing up necro threads
Right, SPEED mount equipment doesn’t help Paladin, DK or Mag’har. But it is the ONLY WAY others can be as fast as them. There’s no alternative ability, passive, perk or consumable.
And no classes get’s parachutes? The only players without any kind of safe fall are Shaman, Monk, Warlock and DK who are NOT z-trolls, goblins, pandas, or engineers.
Gliders are cheap if you don’t already have:
Priests: levitate
Druids: flap and/or reduced fall damage in cat form
Paladins: bubble
Mages: blink
Hunters: disengage
Demon Hunters: glide
Warriors: leap/charge/I-forget-what
Rogues: reduced fall damage (iirc)
Goblins: rocket jump
Zandalari Trolls: glide
Pandas: reduced fall damage
Engineers: cape glider tinker
The alternative is to start a new thread on this old topic.
Is that better? No.
In flying zones, where I imagine the saddlechute is most useful, monks have zen flight.
Its already almost 6k posts in. Yes I’d say make a new one at this point.
Right thanks!! Forgot about that. Really wish that was usable as a ground-travel form in non-flying zones too.
About 80% of my characters have no mount equipment equiped at all. Don’t feel like I’m missing anything on them, have had no reason to equip any. Still don’t see the point in the equipment except to give people with out the water bug water walking. Everything the mount equipment does was already in game and a lot cheaper to use.
Why? Has something changed in the game that makes it worth putting the issue back in front of people who have put this thread on IGNORE because they’ve washed their hands of it?
Can the forum software not handle large threads? Seems to be doing just fine.