Water Strider Discussion

The real issue is that Blizzard is out of gas and has to reimagine everything as if it’s their original idea.


Agreed. And it’s not like they’re really stretching in the process. Mount equipment isn’t innovative, it’s pretty derivative. The gyrations over mailing us 'one piece of equipment and retiring striders just seems like extra work with no benefit. They could have just: created mount equipment, left water walking OUT of the picture entirely, exempted the striders, the way they do swimming mounts, sky golems and IIRC flying mounts while they’re being used for flying.

And it would have been just as small a new feature but it would have been -pure- positive. “Hey, you get a slot so you can pick which travelling consumable you want to make your permanent default, Yay!”.

but no, they had to sour the whole thing by stuffing in a some bad tasting nonsense.


I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop on down the line where they introduce cosmetic perks to the slot and recreate the glyph system entanglement mess all over again. :confused:


Yes, the strider IS losing its ability. If you don’t put water walking in your mount equipment slot, you can’t use it for water walking. If you use the water walking equipment, you can’t use any of the other equipment. Whatever equipment you use affects ALL your mounts on a single character, so that character only has one mount ability no matter which mount they choose.

There are already consumables in the game that perform all the abilities of the mount equipment, and they can be combined. When this change takes effect, you will have one ability and one ability only. The equipment completely and totally limits player choice.


They can add things to the game without taking things away.


Apparently they’ve convinced themselves otherwise. :frowning:


Wow, just wow. I didn’t know this. So even more mounts besides the sky golem have been excluded from the equipment.
But not the water strider.
So wrong.


This is not surprising given the fact that they want to get rid of the water-strider’s water-walking ability.

It really is a shame.


AS far as I can tell the water strider is the only mount that is losing its ability. No other mount is being touched.


But why target the water strider only. Your not really slowing anyone down with this move. We can all find ways around it. The only thing your doing with this move is ticking people off. A lot of people pissed off over a move that is not going to get them anything as far as time metric’s.

There is a old expression that fits here. " This is not the hill to die on".


Probably for no better reason than Ion doesn’t see it as part of his vision for WoW. He prefers to play a shaman right? It’s not like this will inconvenience him in any way.


He wanted to get rid of it in WoD. The players rioted. In his mind, he “lost”. He is still fighting a battle to “win” vs the players.

His PvP mentality of game design is someone must “lose” for another to “win”.

There is no way he is gonna lose to a bunch of filthy causal players!

He is THE developer! How dare we disagree?


To paraphrase, “He thinks we want his vision for this game, but we don’t.”


As long as everyone keeps looking at everything as Players v Developers every one will lose. There is nothing wrong with letting the strider keep its ability and exempt it from mount equipment.

Everyone keeps saying that will let water strider owners have 2 mount equipment. Well that might be true but we went out and worked for it and that is our reward for doing the work. After all this is a reward based game. If you want the reward go work for it, It’s still there for everyone to get. Not everyone gets a trophy.

It’s a choice if you want to have the strider or not. Everyone screams they want more choice and it’s given to them. Then they don’t like the choices so lets’ take it away from those that chose to do the work.

A lot also say the strider was a bad game design. If walking on water is such a bad design why are they giving it to all mounts with the mount equipment. And why are water walking potions in the game. It’s just like flying, Blizzard says it’s a bad design, but they keep selling flying mounts in the shop and keep adding them in the game.

I’m not against the mount equipment, it sounds like a great idea and has so much potential. But why do you have to take the reward away form the people that put in the work?


Given that Ion plays a shaman, it will be interesting to see what happens when they prune away the DK water walking ability.

Will shamans get theirs taken away, too?

I feel exactly the same. Mount equipment could have been such a cool addition to the game, but they completely bungled it. And screwed over a lot of loyal fans in the process.

I should be surprised, but I’m not.


I have made this argument time and time again in these threads (maybe on an alt?).

It would be extremely easy to have a win - win situation as long as the only sides are NOT:
The strider MUST change vs the strider CAN’T change.

The devs give plenty of excuses that in their mind say the strider must change, but they have all been debunked.

The only way there cannot be a win - win outcome is if the dev only reasoning for these changes are “The strider HAS to change”


If they can’t design new zones while keeping in mind that we’ve had flying and water walking FOR YEARS, then yes… that is ‘bad game design’ and they need new blood making design decisions.

Because they they realistically expect no one will seriously use it for long. Speed is so very much more important (to all but pally’s & DK’s who already have it). No-daze is pretty crucial to anyone not in tank spec.

EVEN AFTER Blizzard fixes their “Not working as intended” whoopsie with daze/dismount in 8.2, absorbs only work while they last. You might not get dismounted on the first hit if you have “Resounding Protection” but the 2nd hit will likely succeed.

Because even the amnesiastic knee-jerk designers that approve stuff without thinking through the ramifications now that they’ve peppered the world with achievements/mounts/puzzles that absolutely REQUIRE speedy travel across water to successfully do them.

Swimming mounts are too slow for those objectives.


I will put on anti daze and completely forget about the equipment. It’s completely useless for me, But I’m glad other people are getting what they want at the expense of the water strider owners.

I now know where I stand in the eyes of blizzard. I will most likely not stop playing, I love the game too much, but I’m done ever spending any money on services or shop merchandise.

I’ll just go back to water walking potions, goblin gliders, and my anglers raft.


I’ll go with speed, if I resume playing… and the warlock talent that gives a passive absorb isn’t broken by 8.2.

Last time I paid for services on the shop it went horribly wrong. Twice in a row. I had many more alts to transfer, but I’m not going through that mess again.

I have stopped playing. I like my alts all on one server so they can send stuff back and forth… and now my main and #1 alt are off somewhere else, and the rest of my less frequently played alts left behind. Pisses me off.

And yeah, I’ll switch to WW potions, raft, underlight angler… while they last. Gliders, or at least the concept of them, are probably safe for a while.