Water Strider Discussion

… How did you purchase it if it wasn’t visible?

I suppose it is possible… It’s also quite likely that blizzard deliberately lowered or removed the requirements so that people on the PTR could test mount equipment without having to grind rep on disable character copy… :slight_smile:

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I had a brain fart.
I meant to say “It had no rep requirement, but I assume if you didn’t have the mount it wouldn’t be visible”.

I can’t test that theory because I have it unlocked. Someone else who doesn’t have it unlocked would need to hop on the PTR to check it out.


Screencap of the item in question available for purchase while everything else is not.

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This is correct. You only need the rep on one toon to purchase the shoes. The picture below is a level 100 toon without any Angler rep.

However, if your toon is under 100 they cannot purchase the equipment. I took my level 80 toon out there. Below is what she sees. So even though MOP zones are open for her, she cannot purchase the items.


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It’s still not clear to me that the mount is getting nerfed. If you think the strider is defined by its functionality, it isn’t.

The alternative is that you think the strider is defined by its waterwalking being passive, rather than attached. I guess that’s why some people are upset?

This controversy is one of the silliest I’ve seen in WoW history. Which is saying something for this forum.

The strider is defined by its water walking ability. It’s the reason I grinded the rep and gold in order to purchase it.

I do not want to have to purchase a consumable in order to make a special ability mount that I worked for to work.

I have also played long enough to know that there will come a point when that consumable will either be limited to specific zones or will be grayed out.

Some people are willing to take this risk a do not wish to.


It isn’t losing that ability, and you are going to be given the attachment for free. What the new design does is allow people to use the strider for something other than waterwalking.

Your way limits player choice. And when you are reduced to slippery slope arguments, you’re already in trouble.

you’re wrong here. I am not saying don’t have mount equipment. I am saying do not nerf the strider.

Someone has to recognize the slippery slope. It is a fact that Blizzard tried to take water walking away from the strider back in Legion and could not because of the uproar it caused.

Using the mount equipment to achieve that goal during a time when no one is playing the game will probably work as by the time people notice it is gone, it will be way too late to do anything about it.

I am going to be given 1 free consumable item and only for toons that are level 100 or higher. This does not make up for all of the time and effort I put in to purchase a mount with a specific ability.


This is the only attitude I don’t get. If we just allowed the Strider to exist outside of the new system, it certainly would be a redundancy, I can agree to that. However, for those who enjoy their Strider, and do not want it changed, how does that impact the system negatively?

Those who profess to hate the “ugly bug”, those who hate the sound effects, will no longer be “forced” (in a convenience way) to use it, as they can use the new system.

Those that either a) could care less what mount they are on or b) enjoy that crazy bug and it’s animations could just carry on doing what they’ve been doing - using it.

I feel as if you can’t have both - it’s either “pointless”, so there should be no issue in it remaining as it is - or there is a point and logical reason it has to be removed.

Just massaging the issue. I’m going to be equipping WW, and ignoring the “feature” from implementation on. Oddly, I play the game to hit mobs and generally don’t run through packs and vanish at any rate. More gold and items for me.

This does build up ill-will however; and I find that saddening.

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Thanks for the clarification! We’ll see if that holds true when they release it on live or not…

Sounds like you have a poor grasp of what’s actually happening.

Water Striders lose their ability in 8.2. From now on they’re just “Regular Ground Mounts”. RIP Striders.

A one-free/more-cheap inferior(*) replacement is being offered by Blizzard, but compared to mounted equipment that provides SPEED or NO-DAZE, very few will seriously choose water walking for long.

So, we all get to give up bag space so we can carry water walking potions that we didn’t need before… for the rare cases where we really want to get across some water. Or, well, we just put up with being slower and/or more dazed/dismounted than everyone else. Yaaay.

(*) Inferior: Mount Equipment WW breaks on any falling damage, Strider’s buff doesn’t. If you remount while swimming, MANY mounts can’t get back on top of the water. They’re too big. Swim to shore or manually switch to smaller mounts. Welcome to the new 'World of InconvenienceCraft"

Also keep in mind that Blizzard ““accidentally”” removed all Non-Tank daze/dismount protection in 8.2. They claim they’re “fixing it”. But I’m betting it’s still going to be worse than live is now because they want to crank up demand for the no-daze mount equipment. I mean seriously, it’s clear their goal is to KILL THE WATER STRIDERS, they’re gonna provide some extra incentive until they succeed.


We don’t care about the mount equipment. We care that our mount is being changed.

(Important for understanding the issue.)


I know some people think this change is a goodie but it’s a trap. It’s a giant :poop: covered in candy and we are really trying to protect you from eating that. Please stop fighting and help us.

It’s not the equipment that’s the problem that’s just the bait. It’s the sneaky underhanded cowardly moves they are going to make while you are destracted by the candy bait.

Help us keep the water strider un-touched.


I don’t get this attitude either. They act as if it gives the pro strider group a competitive edge, when in fact all striders would have the water-walking ability, so everyone would be equal. :woman_shrugging:

I also agree with this, and the ill-will is unnecessary on Blizzards part. They would rather ignore a large part of their customer base because they are so focused on getting rid of that mount’s ability.

The worst part in this, is they could have very easily fixed their “The strider is over-powered” stand by adding more enemy fish in the water (if that even matters).

What I don’t get is how people don’t see this. Perhaps they haven’t paid attention to the traps of the past? :woman_shrugging:


And there’s the other super lame argument that striders have to be nerfed because people would still use them “all the time” defeating the purpose of mount equipment.

Duhhrr, no… People will want speed mostly, or no daze much more when they’re not crossing water. Simply exempting striders from mount equipment’s effect, like sky golems, would more than solve the “striders all the time!” ““Problem””.


This right here is why I think they are doing it, you have to choose between a number of options.

You can’t have your strider AND no daze as well.

Out of all of it I find the need to be 100 the most offensive.

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There are two main consequences of this change for me:

  1. I will never do any rep grinds for unique things again. Blizzard has shown they can’t be trusted to let us keep the things we work for.

  2. I will only play my DK from here on out, since DK’s get water walking, faster riding, and (in blood spec), anti-daze, all baked in.

And then, when the time comes for the inevitable pruning of the DK speed buff, DK water walking, and the anti-daze protections that tanks get, I will quit the game entirely.

Thanks, Blizzard.


It is losing it, because that ability is currently permanent, no breaking of effect on fall damage, Bnet account-wide water walking that is free to all of your characters.

To replace this, the system is going to award one each free water walking equipment piece (that is consumable/disposable and breaks effect on fall damage) to any of your characters that have the required rep. Those that don’t, will require gold to reacquire water walking.

The upside is that now all of your mounts will have water walking, but only water walking. That’s just a poor design decision. Having all of the mounts slotted with the same ability is just…unbelievably laughable. It should have been mount specific, account-wide. Instead we have character specific mount-wide.

And FTR, you should really consider a character name change. I’m all for the maligning of words to create humor, but I believe yours is just that one step too far over the line.

EDIT - and for you inquiring minds, all of your swimming mounts are also excluded from slotting the mount equipment, ie. your darkwater skates, your seahorses, etc.


You can have water walking and no-daze at the same time now.

You can have them (sort of) at the same time after 8.2.

The main difference with 8.2 (other than the bad design of water walking being more noticible and the nerf to it surviving falling damage) … is that we can’t switch to water walking without a “per use” cost.

Per use cost may be:

  • sacrificing passive speed and no-daze benefits
  • consumables and lost bag space
  • destructively swapping mount equipment and lost bag space

The problem that blizzard is trying to fix isn’t that striders were “OP”

It’s that we weren’t inconvenienced enough or spending enough gold/storage space.


That really only impacts anyone who’s playing for the first time. You only need one alt at level 100 to unlock the system account-wide,. Alts at 20 can use mount equipment. (aka: the chauffered mechanohog is exempt at level 1-20, no big deal). The “one free in the mail” is so utterly beyond useless going forward that I’ve given up caring about them re-charging us for something we already bought.

The only use the ‘one free’ that I’ll ever have, is to tide me over until I get speed or no-daze equipment for my alts.


Blizz, you need to leave the water walking mount alone. Otherwise you risk adding one more straw to the camels back and those are piling up. Sure, make it where mount equipment does not work. Perfectly fine with this. But the WW mount, don’t touch it.

I usually don’t say much on the forums because it’s been shaped into some weirded out alternate reality of complimenting the captain of the Titanic while it sinks. But the WW mount will greatly irk many a Wow player including myself.


The real issue is that some people do not want to put the effort in yet they want the benefit.