Water Strider Discussion

Probably an oversight because IIRC, that mount was special in that it had a move bonus for swimming but not much else.

Also the “Red Cloud Flying Disc” last I checked… always favorited because it’s tiny and fits through doors really well… can’t mount up on it while swimming.

And seems like the only mount (out of my 400 or so) that refuses to let you mount if you’re swimming.

Go figure.

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Wow, totally missed this post…
Of course, another mount that it totally makes sense to walk on the water and it never will.
I am on the brink of so done with this game…
And that makes me very sad.


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Hmm, does the reopening of this topic come with news that the water strider will be left alone??

I can dream…


Doubtful but we can dream.

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We can wish and hope. : /

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I will not be happy if they go through with this, but until the vast majority make enough of a stink about it, I am afraid we just have to bite the bullet.

Question is… what’s next in line for the guillotine?

Rafts? Underlight Angler? Gliders? More retro-actively restricted recipes preventing them from being used in current/future content? Like drums for bloodlust/heroism.

We know azerite necklaces have a hard expiration date… that fills me with a lot of anti-motivation.


Indeed. I ran through Legion accumulating little thingies with Artifact Power on them, those same thingies drop for my alts in BFA for 10g each. Given that my Legendary weapon was immediately replaced with a BLUE upon launch, I find far more value, lasting effect, with the gold.


What frustrates me most about the pro removal crowd is THEY think THEY should dictait how others play the game, because THEY know best. Never mind that people play how they want. Blizz and the people cheering this move know best and you’d best play their way or you’re playing the game wrong.

I am getting sick and tired of OTHER people dictating how I spend my time in game. I WORKED for my strider because I WANTED the waterwalking. I even did the crimson as well. Being told to just suck up what WAS something that was a ‘spend 4K and you and all your alts can use it’ has suddenly become ‘the wrong mount to use because everyone who isn’t you thinks it’s ugly and it’s all over the place so it has to be nerfed to the point that only your current (As of 8.2) over 100 level chars will get ONE free piece of equipment then you’ll need to buy more if you suddenly need to change from waterwalking, OR if we decide for whatever reason to nerf the current equipment, OR you level new alts who don’t get a (what USED to be free) item to make waterwalking available.’

Blizz dosen’t realize that grain by grain they are building a wall between what players want and what they want for their shareholders. Wonder how the shareholders will take the news that players are finally fed up at being ignored and go to find games where they are listened to rather then being told ‘This is how you play our game whether you like it or not’.


Nah. I think those that understand the change are just trolling, and the rest erroneously think that to get something new someone had to lose something.

We could have both mount equipment and striders… The new portal room and old portals… They just don’t see it that way.


Yay it’s open again. BTW does anyone else see that giant trap door named Mount equipment. We may want to avoid that…it’s kinda obvious.


So. Much. This.

There is no good reason to take things away. It’s just the devs’ forcing everyone to play the game the way they want us to play it.


I could give Blizzard a half o’dozen idea’s off the top of my head to slow down the pace of WoW.

1- Make water striders have to tread carefully in order to water stride. slowing it down a little so your mount equipment is still better.
2- Make Flying mounts scale up in speed the higher they go. When they get closer to the ground they get closer to ground mount speed.
3- Add more land mass between objective points.
4- Add randomized weather conditions with different effects on how mounts operate. Set them on a world quest kind of system.
5- Strategically placed mobs and traps to avoid.
6- Keep the portals we once had in legion and don’t add new ones for a few expac’s.
7- Perhaps we have to bribe the flight masters to fly over and thru certain area’s.
8- Make our mounts randomly need go take a dump.

There… some idea’s. You don’t need convoluted systems designed to look like rewards in order to gain your objective of slowing down the player and making the world seem large again.


There is also the group that do not have the strider and do not want to work to get the strider. They resent the people who did the work and got the strider. They think it is unfair and are pleased with the change.



The Anglers’ Water Striders equipment is available for purchase by any character if you have obtained the Water Strider mount.

You do not need to be Exalted with the Anglers as any character you wish to purchase the equipment as.

(Important if you no longer have the character you got the mount as.)

They will never stop adding portals. Why? Because they must have capital city portals in current content and a portal to get to the current content. Each new expansion will always have a new set of portals to access it. Depending on where the new expansion adds land, portals may be the only way of accessing it just like Outlands.

Where did you see this? Last I heard the BoA [Anglers’ Water Striders] was still only available to characters with sufficient angler rep, and if you only had the other mount ( the crimson water strider from WoD Garrison’s) you were totally out of luck.

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I went on the PTR as a character with no Anglers rep and was able to purchase it. The item itself had no rep requirement, but just wasn’t visible.

I can hop back on to grab a screencap.

To clarify, you need to have had Exalted Anglers rep as another character, but if the Anglers’ water strider mount is unlocked, you can buy the equipment as any character (as far as I’ve seen).