Water Strider Discussion

Guess that answered that. Thanks:-)

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I would say the OP here is against it in its entirety;

and many others, but I really haven’t been writing them down.

Why can’t the new system and the “water bug” co-exist? Why does it need to be “retired”? Every other “special function” mount is retaining it’s original functionality.

I think it would be kind of pointless to have both, and they’re already gong to send a freebie WW item to you if you earned the bug prior to 8.2.

What about new or returning players? They see everyone on a strider, ask “hey how can I get one of those?” and are told they have to go grind out 7+ yr old content? Do you think that is fair?

Because I make a conscious decision to…just not use it? I think you’re thinking in your head that that’d be some sort of witty “gotcha” moment, but it didn’t come out so well, I’m afraid.

The raft toy does require Pandaren fishing though, which cannot be learned til lv 78.

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You know, I wondered something last night. I was running this toon through Kul Tiras and I ran into several bridges with flagged NPCs guarding them. I got around those guards without flagging simply by using my strider to cross water near the bridge.

I wonder if this change to the water strider is just one more way to force PvE players into PvP against their will. No strider means some may try to go through the bridge and flag.

I really hope this isnt part of the rationale. If it is, its just one more reason to HATE PvP out side of BGs/Arenas.

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AH, I do see now; thank you and my apologies!
The point of the issue of his is that it seems to be the sole reason and driving force behind his many arguments.
In spite of his protestations, he IS making said arguments from an EMOTIONAL basis(namely his) and not from a logical one. Nor has he provided any provable evidence i.e., links to show why this action against water mounts should be a thing.
''We want water mounts, especially the icky spider-thingy, nerfed." said no one ever.
Flips hair and sips tea

Actually it did.
Why can’t you make the same descision on the Water Strider? There are other available water mounts, you know?
Flips hair and sips tea

I didn’t get that from the OP’s post. I got that they don’t like the differences in how the Strider will work with the equipment vs. how it works currently, but not that they disliked the system entirely.

I said I didn’t really look at other threads. I’m speaking of this thread only. I haven’t been reading other threads as I haven’t really seen them or gone looking for them as I haven’t had time. More important RL things going on but still want to state my opinion somewhere.

But it won’t work the same. This has been stated, shown, explained a million and one times in just this thread so I’m sure it’s been stated, shown, explained 2 million and one times in all the other threads (or more).

What about them? They’ve been around for the past 6 years. So what? They will have the equipment.

The “what about new and returning” argument is pretty lame, and tired. If you just started playing you should expect to not have everything that all the folks who’ve been playing have; being able to get it at all is a bonus. If you quit and come back you should already know you won’t have stuff that came into being while you weren’t playing.

Oh, and as another general FYI… They will still need Angler’s rep for the WW equipment (boots). So what dead argument either way. It’s not like they will be able to log in and not see people running around on whatever mount walking on water just be able to run over to the local vendor to get the things.

I don’t know what, or if, the other equipment will require some kind of “unlock” but I imagine that they, too, will be related to some kind of reputation.

It shouldn’t be crazy difficult for them to get “the things”, and it’s not.

Regardless… They would have the equipment and not need the “cockroach mount”/“water bug”.

Still not a reason for the Strider’s to not retain their current functionality or why both would be pointless. It’s still just your dislike of the mount with no real reasoning behind “retiring” it other than that dislike.

Okay. So you can continue to do that whether it stays the same or not with the new equipment system.

So again I ask…

Why can’t they co-exist? Your opinion on "pointless"ness aside.

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Good point I didn’t add that. Yes it does.

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No more or less “lame and tired” then anything you or the crew have come up with to oppose this, honestly.

Stick the free water-shoes in the new eq slot, never look at it again. You’ll be just the same.

Moving on…

To oppose what?

It WON’T be the same because the equipment doesn’t work the same as the current functionality of the water striders.

What part of that sentence is still going over your head? I can give you a dictionary definition of each word if you like.

Please do. Thank you! :door:


Does it let you walk over water?




I agree the system is great, but why do they have to break the water strider to implement it. The only mount being touched with this system is the Water Strider. Why?

Since when has ANY Mount earned thru rep had a expiration date on them? When does Reins of the Grand Ice Mammoth expire? When does any mount expire now.

If they were removing the innate abilities of all mounts and adding in equipment to replace them I would not be as upset. But It seems to me that they only reason for this change to to kill the water strider. They are changing nothing else or removing any other mounts abilities

EVERYTHING this system is adding is already in game

Water Walking Potions do the same thing as the water walking mount equipment.

Goblin Glider does the same thing as Parachute mount equipment

Coarse Leather Barding does the same as the Anti Daze mount equipment

Pathfinder part one gives you the Mount speed increase.

They Are only breaking the Water Striders water walking ability, leaving all other mounts alone.

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See, when you repeat lies like that, it makes your trolling painfully obvious.


Poor guy is arachnophobic and the feets on the bug scare him because they remind him of the little giant 8 legged creatures in Lord of the Rings I think.

At least he keeps saying things about spiders. His buddy is apparently afraid of cockroaches? He kept calling it a “cockroach mount”.

Every single mount in this game has a level requirmrnt and since day one!
you want the good gear then do the hard work!

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WEll Blizzard did give us the boat that cant float XD

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Really wish you would, as you are bringing nothing to the discussion but to repeatedly troll with inaccurate information because…

isn’t happening except for the following conditions being met.

  • You get one free pair of of the BoA water walking equipment piece on all characters that have the required Anglers rep and/or waterstrider. Apply it, and that character has water walking. One down.

  • Additional pieces of that water walking equipment must be purchased by characters that have the Anglers rep and mailed to any alts that do not have the rep.

Purchase and apply the quantity required for all of those alts, and you have water walking for all of your characters, and you’re back to square one with who has water walking, except for the two additional changes being made.

  • If at any point you decide to change from water walking to another mount equipment perk and then want water walking back at a later date, it will cost gold.

  • The mount equipment water walking breaks with fall damage, the waterstrider’s innate ability doesn’t.


This is where I am at. I worked for the special mount and I do not want blizzard to take it’s special ability away.

I also think that this sets a precedent. It gives them license to remove the special abilities of other mounts when they decide they don’t want players using those special abilities.

I think there are a lot of fun things they could do with a mount equipment system but it should not be used to eliminate a mount that the current game developers dislike.


Until you get knocked off and dazed because you equipped water walking instead of anti-daze.