Water Strider Discussion

That was my take - but apparently the items “break”. So good-by bag slot. :frowning:

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I did the same thing. I have 3 months left on the Sub. Depending on what happens within the time I have left will be the deciding factor on whether I re-sub or not.

Right now, it is looking depressing, which is sad because up until now I really enjoyed this game and never really had any desire to try out other games.

What do you mean the items break?


My understanding is that if you take dmg - the item breaks and you need to replace it.

Are you talking about the water walking equipment? That’s not what happens. If you take damage it knocks your mount into the water and then you have to mount back up, which is problematic on the PTR. You only have to replace it when you switch to a different type of equipment.


Ah. Then when other posters said “break” - they meant the surface of the water then. Thank you for clarifying that.

Well then your strat is the same as mine - won’t be doing anything but WW so that I can have my mount “back”.

Pointless game feature addition for me - just because they removed my mount’s ability.


Another thing to do that might work is to make them like followers: two effect slots, and you have one slot be the bonus to all mounts, the other a second bonus to all that the strider/mech ignores.

Traits I would like to see include the bird-mechs/ostriches finding shineys/extra treasure chests, cats having soft step for a notable amount of aggro radius reduction, dogs having a bite attack or some sort of “frolick distraction” to give you just enough i-frame after dismounting to pick a plant or mine a node or open clickys - and you will still have to figure out safely remounting. Fishy mounts having water speed or ink or underwater chest find or just a really pretty ribbon trail. Others can have footprint FX. Something can find old really tiny treasure caches like the Your Share of the Treasure repeatable that contain BfA versions of the timeless isle BOA gear tokens. It would be nice to revisit some of those racials that are lorewise great but not really used in the game, like the dwarf treasurefind.

Autoprowl kitties would be fun yes, but overpowered. I was thinking more of how they step quietly and can streak across a room, and it would be helpful to only have to deal with half the train of mobs when you need to get unlost in a troll ruin, get to Barman Bill or pick a Siren’s Sting.
Half power of whatever druid Prowl and rogue sneak does to your aggro radius. It would not be as good as a stealthing class, but still be notably helpful in running through say Stranglethorn or certain highly inhabited patches of BfA.

Aggro range reduction would also help with why some people fly…the mobs just high enough level or stupid enough to pester and daze high level you when you are done with an area and just need to pass through.

But yeah, if a mount capability is too good, don’t cut it down, add a variety of similarly useful qualities to the other mounts. The balance is not being able to use all of them at once.

Variety of usage was the intent, right? This would be more fun for everyone.


Really? I unsubbed last week (May 8th) and got the survey. That makes me even more glad I unsubbed when I did since part of the reason for me unsubbing when I did was specifically so I’d get to do the survey before they removed that option again.


Are people actually upset over this??? I am ecstatic over the idea of never needing to use that ugly strider again.

If you hate them that much, why aren’t you using water walking potions?

In fact, you should start getting used to them now, because after 8.2 drops, you’re gonna need them.

Why? Because you’re gonna get dismounted so hard so often that you’ll give up water walking mount equipment as fast as possible, and replace it with no-daze.

So instead of ALL your mounts having water walking, or SOME. You’ll have NONE.


Yep, not so surprisingly, some people are upset over having functionality that they enjoy and that they earned removed and then having to pay multiple times to regain a lesser version of that same functionality.


Yes. People are upset over this.

We are not upset that options are opening to add WW functionality to other mounts. We don’t care about the equipment. Some probably even like the idea.

We are upset about the removal of functionality on a mount we like, earned, wanted, or whatever our reason for no real reason.

Other “specialized” mounts are keeping their functionality and simply not being effected by any equipment used for other mounts.

What seems to be flying over everyone’s head is this…

— We have no issue with mount equipment, per se.
— We simply don’t want the Strider to be changed.

If you want to have WW equipment, fine. Use it all you like. No one actually cares.

Oh, and just as a general FYI…

You don’t have to use the strider now. You can use the Elixir of Water Walking on any mount you like.

Good bye and good luck!


I for one think it that having any class being able to use any mounts for water walking takes away from death knights uniqueness. How fun is frost walk and having your mount run on water when everyone else can do the same.

I agree with you. Part of the issue with the current state of the game is that they are taking away what has made the game unique.

The strider is a perfect example of this. It was a unique mount that you could only get if you farmed rep for it.

Gear is another example of this. The reason the Raider IO addon is so popular is because anyone could have a very high gear level without having done anything except world quests/warfronts. There was a time when gear upgrades came from progressing through the more difficult content of the game.

I started playing at the end of Cata and when I reached lvl 85, I only had 3 mounts. I saw the Flameward Hippogryph and loved it. I diligently did the molten front so that I could earn that mount.

When MOP came out, I saw the Grand Expedition Yak and saved my gold so I could purchase it.
I saw the Azure Water Strider and every day I did my dailies so that I could get the rep to purchase that mount so that I could explore from the water.

Back in Cata, I even farmed the Argent Tourney so I could get my Argent Squire and Argent Pony Bridle so that I could access my bank or a vendor when I was questing or farming cloth.

I fully understand that the new players today are different than those that started in Cata (like me), and are even more different than those who started in Vanilla. However, dumbing down the game does a disservice to them.

They lose out on experiencing the excitement of earning these special items.

They will become disappointed when not invited to harder content.

And they will become extremely frustrated when they attempt to play classic.


By breaking waterwalking people mean the mount sinks.
The larger mounts - pretty well anything heavier looking than a horse, cannot regain water walking while in the water after having sunk.

The equipment itself works like gems being slotted, so any time you choose to change your equipment, the old equipment is destroyed.

One worry is that Blizzard will make anti-daze necessary in some places, parachutes necessary in others, and have areas of lakes where water walking is necessary, thus pressuring players to keep changing equipments at ~ 1000 gold each time.

Anything to get us to buy more tokens.


We have taken away the brake function on your car because it’s OP. To get it back you have to have it installed again. Or you can get flying or underwater driving installed. Each swap will be $1000 plus tax.

Choose now… No complaining we don’t want to hear it - Luv Bliz.


So what? It’s still very useful in instances where people can’t mount up.

Isn’t that enough?

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Never fear! If you choose flying or underwater driving, you can sacrifice lots of valuable bag space to carry stacks of overpriced:

  • [Potion of Vehicle Stoppage] - Reagents: 1 [breath of bwonsamdi], 2 [tidal cores], 3 [Expulsom], 15 Monelite Ore

I use the water strider whenever there’s a body of water that needs to be crossed and then summon a random mount once I’ve crossed said body of water.

If people want to limit themselves to just one mount because maybe, one day, randomly they’ll encounter a pond that they need to cross, then let them. That’s not a gameplay issue. That’s a individual player issue that can easily be solved by those players and doesn’t need Blizzard’s intervention.

But REMOVING the water striders ability to walk on water (and expecting players to pay for it) after I, and others, have already put in the work and effort to grind for that mount specifically for it’s special ability is just ridiculous.



Blizzard HAS ALREADY MADE anti-daze AND safe-fall necessary in the new zones being tested on the PTR.

AND they’ve disabled the no-daze/dismount protection offered by other abilities (like Warlock’s [Demon Skin] talent), not just in the new zone, but in old zones on the PTR as well.


If they played their own game they would probably realize how many time they use that bug to walk in swamp lands and across the bay to get at things. Heck in legion the water path’s where like clean roads.
And one of my fav activities when I am bored is to water walk along the shore looking for cool new stuff I haven’t seen.

Now a days I run across water so often that removing that ability would drown me several times. It’s a crying shame cause I really do want to try the other options out.