Water Strider Discussion

I have to say that I disagree with this rationale.
I don’t think bliz wants to necessarily make it longer/harder to level alts. They’ve actually done just the opposite, IMO. I’m leveling a Demon Hunter, and she has a lot of opportunity to gain extra experience. Legion was a breeze, with WQ’s that gave her an insane amount of exp, 60,000 a pop, that took very little time to do. Same with the war campaign quests, that give an extra exp buff for an hour. Then there’s the heritage armor, that helps quite a bit as well.

Remember, the more alts we level, the potential for us to use them in raids, BG’s, and whatnot, becomes a choice we can make which in turn, increases our time on the game. Good for bliz.

I do think they’ve convoluted their attempts to make more time sinks and frustration for us as players by nerfing flying, portals and now the striders…
but I have my doubts they’re trying to make alt leveling more time consuming.
Who knows. :thinking:

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Metrics. They want some ratio of people leveling up the hard way and impatient people buying boosts. If that goes to far one way or another they re-tune it.


At one point they did try this strategy. It was a great way to get people to purchase boosts. However, the community complained so much about what they did to leveling xp, they fixed it in 8.1. Leveling is now a lot better with the fix.

I still think that if the game maker just focused on making a fun experience for players they wouldn’t have to worry about the bottom line.


It just seems that there is a ton of stuff they actually need to “fix”, and they just keep ignoring that in lieu of breaking stuff to the point of frustration.
Like, I’m not much into all the lore (but have been more so lately), and I see a ton of complaints about that. Why not fix that and use those creative juices to enhance the storyline?
For the love of Azeroth, fix the damn “stuck in combat” issue! I want to throw my computer across the room anytime I’m not on my hunter for it’s FD, because I’m C.O.N.S.T.A.N.T.L.Y. getting stuck in combat.
Fix things that are making this game so frustrating. Stop breaking every form of travel convenience, remember what your storyline actually is, and I promise I’ll keep playing. Oh, and if you come up with a raid like Karazhan again, you’ll gain a fan forever. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


As I said previously in the thread. Leave water strider alone and if people want to have a water strider and use equipment for something else, then there is an incentive to go get one.


No kidding.

I keep meaning to stock up on Skaggledrynk / potions of invisibility to see if that helps break me out of ‘stuck in combat’ mode, and always forget.

When most of us (not all but most of the most reasonable among us) characterize you in a manner that is unflattering to your exceedingly large ego, it is in response to something we detect and observe from your behavior and your stances on issues. You are not the first troll or the first griefer troll we have dealt with in the past but you act as if you are the single most important most knowledgeable seer shouting prophecies in the desert. Nothing could be further from the truth.

You are an admitted RP WPVP’er. The smallest represented subset of the smallest realm type (by number of realms not by population) in the game. Yet your voiced opinion somehow manages to convey to us that you both speak from authority and for the rest of the unvoiced players of the entire population of the game.

Your opinion starts out as one that is glad of the removal of an ability from an item that has been worked for by the players. You didn’t come up with an alternative suggestion that might cover all bases with a semblance of equality. No you bandwagoned the ideas of the developers without thinking of the consequences (both short and long term) and you did so with full knowledge that if it is implemented in that way that you personally derive an advantage because of your preferred playstyle which excuses you from commenting on this at all as it represents a conflict of interest that you cannot yourself extract yourself from without scrutiny of your motivations and mistrust that you speak from a place with honor.

It isn’t that you simply like the new mount equipment. Any one of us could say and has said that they like the idea of mount equipment just not the planned implementation.

The message is being lost because the listener has refused to listen.

If you notice, or indeed care, you will see that while there is passion here there is also a deal of willingness to compromise on certain aspects. None of which you have shown in this thread. In fact you have gone out of your way to be antagonistic, obdurate, misinformed, and incredibly obtuse to the point that not a single person here does not and cannot help but doubt your sincerity and willingness to listen or be persuaded.

Most of the reasons you are receiving the castigation from the rest of us here is that we see you plainly for what you are. If you would change that then you need not talk to us rather, you should talk to the man in the mirror.


How did I miss this?
Much stronger? What does that even mean? You mean it’s stronger, because it allows a travel convenience? Because it slows players down , right?

I was unaware you guys nerfed it once already. Didn’t make it useless enough?
Wasn’t aware after… how many years…you didn’t break what you designed enough the first time?

And what’s this “choice” you speak of? You’re saying that we’d be getting everything, and nobody would choose to use your WW equipment for any other mounts they have?
Do you even read these comments? I’ve been following this thread from the beginning, and I’ve heard plenty of people say they like the idea of having the WW ability for other mounts they have…like your boat, for instance.

I’ll bet. :roll_eyes: I can see what a keen interest you guys seem to have in the outcry against breaking this strider’s ability.

Oh I’m sure this is the truth. I’m sure you’ll just leave the herbing feature alone, but take away it’s ability to withstand damage, so it slows us down by having to fight and remount. Kind of like what you may have done with the strider already?

At this point, I have no faith at all that you really care about this. Leaving the strider alone is your best solution, and yet here is a blue, basically disregarding the easiest solution to this self created mess.


No!!! You shut your mouth!


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I’m pretty sure the CM’s have no actual real input into design decisions, they just try to spin what they hear to us, and take our heat for it. Even if he does care, I doubt there’s much room for him to actually get this repugnant nerf actually changed.

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I haven’t been “hyper aggressive”, nor am I “tone deaf”.

Calling people that, however, is a bit rude and probably why people are calling you a “griefer” and reporting you. You can’t really complain about others “personally attacking” you while you sit here and call us “aggressive and tone deaf”… Those are also “personal attacks” against whomever you’re talking to at the time.

Lead by example! Show us how better to convey our message rather than doing the same thing you claim we’re doing.


Leave our Striders ALONE.


Yes, this is what it feels like.


Yes, please.


Mount transmog. Pick one mount to look like another until its changed. Then people can keep their utility mounts unchanged and have that look changed.


(Rolls up a newspaper and eyes the Dev’s looking longingly at my water striders feet.)
(Preps a water gun as well)


That right now is the problem with this communication system. I understand there has to be a guy in the middle editing out all the junk from both sides. But the problem is he is getting NO junk from the Dev’s side. Every question they answer is cherry picked and there is no room for the 100,000 people who dislike something to fight back or negotiate verses the one Dev saying Nope.

The only true recourse we have is to cancel our sub. But for some of us who still enjoy the rest of the game that is like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

We just want the power to veto some really dumb design choices without having to pitch a fit like a 7 year old on 20 pixie six’s. Is that too much to ask?


Or they can just make one mount. No need to have multiples if they will all do the same thing.

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Which is why they don’t care about how you or other subscribers feel. Quit paying them and they might care. But if you care more about the game than the strider? Then they see it’s not important enough that they will lose money and just don’t care!

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Sad, but true, and they recognize that some people will not cancel their subs. However, that number is a lot smaller than it used to be and eventually that the padding they get from store sales will not cover the loss of subs.

But that time isn’t here yet. It is coming faster than before, but not this year. The subs classic bring in will artificially inflate this metric for awhile.