I don’t oppose their expanding the abilities, I oppose their removing the innate abilities of certain mounts because, even ugly as they may be (I don’t actually find the water bug to be particularly ugly, I like it), they are unique in a way no other mount is.
If they want to make equipment, bring it on. But leave the mounts that have innate abilities alone. Do the same thing with the Strider that they are doing with the Golem…make the equipment not effect them while leaving their innate ability alone.
It’s not something that can’t be done by Death Knights, Shaman, or any other class simply by using an existing potion (Elixir of Water Walking)…all of which have been around significantly longer than the mount.
There wasn’t a “big stink” about it until Blizz decided to change things.
The “stink” has much less to do with the innate ability of the strider mounts and much more to do with the fact that they were earned and are now being changed for no reason and because other specialized mounts (the golems in particular) aren’t being “broken” because of this system.
The “stink” is because they are, yet again, taking away something that we’ve had for years for no reason.
“It’s a powerful mount” is a lame, at best, excuse for removing something that has been around for so long. Are you going to tell us now that 6 years ago it wasn’t powerful? It is what it is. Blizz created it knowing what it was. They wanted to break it before and the backlash made them step back from that. So now they are doing what amounts to another “Pathfinder” (which many are still very upset about) in that they couldn’t get what they wanted initially so now they are taking something players want just because they can and nothing we say will make any difference.
Well… Honestly, I didn’t really understand the Pathfinder hate before…I don’t have any real issue with it. But I kind of do understand it now because I see what those players have been saying all this time in the breaking of a mount I really enjoy, and went out of my way to earn…
I don’t agree with you. You can yell at me all you like, I will never agree with you. I want my strider to stay the way it is today. I do not want to have to purchase something I earned long ago for even 1 copper. Period. That’s it. That’s all.
You’re just being obtuse with this comment. “Water Walking” is the ability the mount has. It’s just what it’s called. “WW”, “Water Walking”…but you knew that already.
DKs can “WW” across any water they like…while mounted on any mount of their choice…with Path of Frost active. Shaman have an ability called “Water Walking” that allows them to do the same thing…while mounted.
No one said they were. If you actually read the post you’re replying to you’d know that I was talking about druids in relation to the Golem mounts…Druids can herb in travel form, Shaman can herb in Ghost Wolf form.