Water Strider Discussion

I would prefer they just didn’t implement this feature at all , and leave all mounts as they are ,


Its looking like many have unsubed , reports are they lost 8.5% of there player base in the last few months


The amount of people a water strider benefits out-weights the amount of people a herb specific mount benefits. Everyone can “wait on dungeons”, “WQ”, “level and pet battle”. Only Herbalists benefit from the HERBALIST MOUNT. So your argument is irrelevant once again.

Hmmm 5000 plus posts.

None of us are really saying mount equipment is bad. Seems like a cool idea that could work nicely.

But why in the world do you have to sacrifice the water bugs current abilities to make your idea work. AND then you give a decent loophole to a different mount for gathering herbs? You could just give the water strider the same loophole!

Why are you cutting off the feet of my water strider? It’s junk like this that gives all your customers trust issues. It’s like telling your kids don’t worry we will comeback to it and then wondering why they flip out when you never get back to it. You want us to trust you, that’s great, then earn that trust by not pulling random takesie backsies.

And by the way it’s not the first time you have done random taksie backsies and we highly doubt it will be the last. Thus we have trust issues and if you want us to trust you again you have to NEVER do that junk again. Not just quit it for a few months and then relapse over and over.


And people who don’t want to get dismounted by mobs as they travel from quest to quest. The Sky Golem has more than one special ability. I think it’s ugly and awkward and cumbersome, but I’ve resorted to using it on non-gatherers when I just want to get where I’m going with no hassle.

Whose argument is irrelevant again?

I unsubbed yesterday for this very reason. First time I haven’t had an active sub since I started playing back in Dec 2010. I can’t say I’m happy about it; I’m pretty sad about it, actually, but I think it’s the right decision for me for now. :frowning:


Now that I can afford to keep an active subscription, for collectings and alts, Blizzard is negating one of my collections right out of my mount tab, and has made travel for all my alts prohibitively difficult. Nice of Blizzard to help me kick the addiction to the game, but not really in their best interest. I finally got City of Heroes to work for me tonight.


I loved City of Heroes. As I understand, it’s a private server, and not a reboot, correct?

Since Blizzard seems so intent on pruning the game, taking away things we’ve earned, and making the game more frustrating to play, I think it’s time to look elsewhere for my MMO fun.


The “herbalist mount” is just another mount for anyone who wants it. It has a benefit of allowing herb farming while mounted, which is pretty powerful considering the amount of gold one can make from herbs alone.

It’s unique. It’s a collectible.

Same as the water mount.

Some classes can do the same thing (Druids in any travel form, Shaman in Ghost Wolf form). There is no potion or elixir that allows the same functionality.

Oh… It also has the added benefit of acting as a “no daze” mount for pretty much everyone in the game. So who does it “only benefit” again?

Water Walking is just running across the “lay of the land”. It has no benefit that can’t be obtained by anyone in some other way… Death Knights and Shaman have the same functionality, and can give it to other players. There is an elixir that allows the same functionality also.

Both mounts are pretty ugly, but unique enough for some to actually like them with or without the special functions.

So if you’re okay with this change, I suppose you’re also okay with removing these “flavor” benefits of some classes and removing the elixir. I mean, they are way more powerful than either mount.


I’m considering firing up my ESO sub and going back to that. I don’t like the Najzatar area at all, Mechagon is totally boring and this Water Strider mess just smells of “oh hey let’s make it so it’s more difficult for them in future xpacs to navigate increasing time played”. I have been around since 2004. I think I may be done here. I will wait and see how this rolls out live then make a decision. I can tell you this much. I won’t be pre ordering the next xpac whatsoever.


I saw it on youtube and wasnt sure it was real. I think I may have to try it out this weekend

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So you are admitting that you are using a mount that is ‘ugly, awkward and cumbersome’ solely because of its ability but here you are opposing Blizzards idea of expanding abilities across other mounts… makes sense.

The running across the ‘lay of the land’ saves people a lot of time and hassle when doing numerous things- that is the benefit. You can’t down play this, because if it really wasn’t a big deal then there wouldn’t be this whole big stink about it. And people wouldn’t be using the mount while admitting its ugly and their tired of looking at it. The fact is- its a very powerful mount. And yes, some classes/specs have their niche such as water walking, druids and their forms, and the shaman ghost wolf but the power of it all is shrunk when you have a mount that can do it much faster. Do you really expect a DK to WALK across masses of water and call it OP if there are water walking mounts blowing passed them? Give me a break. Druids are not getting water walking on any of their forms- so their travel form will be an ‘auto-mount’- but its not as fast as mounts and they will never be able to walk on water. Not to mention the invisible border lines which auto-cancel water form randomly.

LOL you really are not listening to what people are saying are you?

NOT ONE PERSON has said “dont implement mount equipment.”

They have said, “give mount equipment to everyone else, just dont change my strider!”


I really think schools now are failing at reading comprehension. Seriously. I mean it’s been clear, as you said, what everyone is saying. For the love of Pete.


I know very well what you are saying, actually.You want to keep the striders OP ability while simultaneously using a different piece of mount equipment on your other mounts, thus having direct access to both water walking and another ability- Continuing to put newcomers/returning players who haven’t rep grinded for the Strider at a disadvantage.

You know this person is combing thru every post just to try and prove you wrong. But I, agree mount equipment sounds great just leave the strider alone.


No actually I am the blood death knight that posted above about how I will have EVERY SINGLE mount equipment advantage because of class. If I could be a Zandalari DK I would even need to use a goblin glider mount equipment.

Tell me again how if I as a Blood DK can have every single mount equipment feature at one time, allowing other the ability to stop, change mounts and walk across water is ground breaking?


Ironically, this is improper syntax. Perhaps you should go back to school?

At least I understood what you were saying. But hey, keep deflecting.

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Everything in the game requires a degree of the suspension of disbelief, but there are certain elements in the game design that are distinctly meant to be thematically magical in nature vs. thematically physical in nature. Even though there’s no way a bird the size of a gryphon could carry a rider, we are not meant to believe that Gryphons can carry a rider due to magic, but rather due to their ability to sustain flight due to lift/drag from flapping their wings. Of course it’d be impossible for a bird that size to sustain flight with an armored rider, but their flight is not thematically magical in nature. In the same way, a Water Strider’s ability to walk on water is not meant to be thematically due to magic - but rather a physical ability. Sometimes those themes jump the shark and it becomes more and more difficult to achieve that suspension of disbelief. That threshold may be different for you than it is for others - and that’s fine. To me, it’s easier to believe that Kul Tiran charger would be able to walk on water due to some magical blessing on their horse shoes or whatever than to believe that an animal the size of a water strider has the innnate ability to walk on water due to it’s physiology, and there is nothing in the game that would indicate that water striders are magical in nature so that’s just your headcannon speaking.

You flatter yourself.

Hey if people want to headcannon and RP that their water striders are magical in nature that’s fine with me - my initial statement was an answer to another individual who asked why I found it more immersive to use my Kul Tiran charger with water walking potions versus using a water strider. You do you, boo - I’ll do me.

It’s actually a lot more work to keep up a stock of water walking potions on all my alts than it is to get a water stirder - but if you want to prescribe that to laziness… OK? People can use whatever they want - how you conflate my refusal to use a water strider and to instead use water walking potions along with my Kul Tiran charger as somehow equivalent to griefing behavior is a whole new level of mental gymnastics that I look forward to reading on the next 10 paragraph of nonsensical logical fallacies that you’ll undoubtedly vomit my way.

Spoken like someone who doesn’t know anything about RP-PvP. You also don’t know anything about me or how I RP and how I PvP - and that’s OK you don’t need to - but you sure are quick to call me a griefer simply because I disagree with you on the mount equipment changes when you don’t even know me. That kind of blinders-on willful ignorance kinda disqualifies you from any serious debate with me since you clearly have a bias against RP-PvP. I honestly can’t continue this discussion with you on any serious capacity if you are going to make the assumption that I’m coming from the position of being a griefer due to how I RP.

This is the different in WoW players.

Some are so stuck on grammar rules, they cant see the overarching discussion because they are so focused on the minutia.

Others care less about the grammar rules because they focus on the message.

Both valid. One is memorization. One is knowledge and understanding.