I wouldn’t put it past them to make it so the equipment can only be changed in a rested area.
I wonder how many people would be fine with the equipment if this is what happens.
I wouldn’t put it past them to make it so the equipment can only be changed in a rested area.
I wonder how many people would be fine with the equipment if this is what happens.
How is it more practical to ride the water strider everywhere, when any mob damage will break its water walking? Seems much more practical to mount it at the water’s edge than to run out, sink, and have to remount in the water.
You guys are talking in circles.
(Let’s just say) They aren’t changing the Water Strider.
Now what?
Does it somehow become OP? What’s the counter argument for leaving it alone?
You are wrong here. During the Legion Alpha test, blizzard took water-walking away from the strider. Players lit up the forums with their displeasure about this, so they changed their plans saying that the strider would only be able to use water-walking in old expansions (it was clear they did not want water-walking in Legion). However, those plans were scrapped as well and the strider retained its water-walking ability.
They have been trying to remove this ability for a very long time. They have now found a way to take it away in a way that won’t blow up the forums in the way that it did back then.
DO NOT be surprised when that piece of mount equipment goes away.
BTW, guess who the game designer was… Ion Hazzikostas.
Knowing and understanding the history behind this is important to understand what will probably happen in the future.
I wonder how of the people who are currently cheering this change because they’ll no longer be “forced” (by their own unwillingness to remount when they reach water) to ride the water strider everywhere will feel when they discover they’re forced to remount at water because the equipment-provided water walking breaks if something looks at you funny or you trip over a pebble in the road.
Great information.
So, why doesn’t Blizzard just come out and say… “hey guys, we are making a zone where we dont want you skipping all the content by OP water walking for FREE so we are stripping the Strider of its ability”?
They run ShiP, not us.
They could delete the darn thing and say screw you.
Why the massive espionage cover up distraction of the new equipment?
edit… lol…
They should leave the WW ability on the Strider but make it unusable on land.
I am sure they will become much more annoyed with that than with having to “ride” a bug. I know when I was testing it on the PTR I was. I use “favorite mounts” and have some large mounts. I wasted a ton of time trying to get a mount that was small enough to walk on water. What people will have to do is to set a specific mount on a bar and use that mount when in water.
Of course they could just leave the bug alone and eliminate the aggravation from the start.
by OP water walking for FREE
We have been doing this since MoP. Nothing has changed with it at all. If they want to say that we can’t use it in new content until a certain amount of time has passed (like flying) then maybe that would be more understandable. But removing it completely and making me rebuy it? Nah.
So, why doesn’t Blizzard just come out and say… “hey guys, we are making a zone where we dont want you skipping all the content by OP water walking for FREE so we are stripping the Strider of its ability”?
Think about it. They got so much flack about removing flying in WOD and then they got so much flack about removing water-walking in the Legion Alpha, they needed to come up with a method that wouldn’t cause the flack with the majority of the players.
It all comes back to waving a shiny item in front of people. People tend to be so focused on the shiny item they don’t question the motives behind it.
Understanding history helps people understand the future.
But it is what it is. People will adapt to not walking on water because they will have a shiny they like better than that one. Then when the water-walking shiny goes away, there will be very little flack. It is a deceptive but effective move.
I hate out of context partial quoting…
I was speaking tongue in cheek in “blizzards voice”, maybe they are tired of you getting water walking for “free”, meaning, if they can find a way to add a gold sink, they will.
I am just brainstorming as to why they (Blizzard) give two craps and what would be so wrong (or OP presumably or why change it), what would be so wrong in leaving the strider alone?
I knew what you meant. I was quoting your “blizzard voice” and replying to them, not directly to you LOL My point was, if that is in fact what Blizz is thinking it makes no sense because we’ve already been doing that for years.
Blizzard wants to give people the option to be practical and ride what they want.
If they made the equipment operate per mount, across an account - they would still accomplish that while also giving the players agency/choice.
Well, as a recent noob returning post Cata who missed the Gold rush that apparently was the garrisions and the full glory of the artifact weapons ( I didnt buy BFA, why mess w/ my weapon?)
I can see they dont hesitate to remove “old stuff”.
Heck. I HAD completeed EVERY SINGLE PRE CATA QUEST… then I see in my achievements they ADDED (or redid) all the old areas and if I want the achievements I need to go do them AGAIN???
A lot has changed since 2004, I’m not surprised they are screwin w/ the striders.
I actually stand behind this banner. I would greatly prefer this because it allows for more freedom. I’ll vote Yes to this any day.
what would be so wrong (or OP presumably or why change it), what would be so wrong in leaving the strider alone?
This dear friend, is the exact reason why people are so upset over this change. It makes no actual sense. The reasons given are easily disproved. Its not game breaking. They are leaving every other single use mount alone. The only one they are changing is the water strider.
If Blizzard were honest about the reason for the change, they will take a hit for bad design but they get to keep some sense of integrity. The way they are handling this they get hit for bad design and they lose integrity. When their real motives are shown and water walking is changed again in the future, this issue will be brought up again - if people are still playing. They cant sweep it under the rug and hope it goes away. It will not. Just like Flying didnt.
There is no valid reason to make this change except that someone at Blizzard wants to.
If they made the equipment operate per mount, across an account - they would still accomplish that while also giving the players agency/choice.
I am all for a “per mount” equipment slot. The fact that I only get one choice that covers every mount I have just doesn’t work. I would gladly use the equipment slot on my strider to keep water walking and use a different equipment on a different mount for different things. There are 100 better ways to do what they are doing.
Heck. I HAD completeed EVERY SINGLE PRE CATA QUEST… then I see in my achievements they ADDED (or redid) all the old areas and if I want the achievements I need to go do them AGAIN???
I feel this. Back in the very early days, I did a ton of pvp and had a guild that pushed quite a few HWL. When I came back after a break and a revamp of the achievements, I found that it showed none of my previous battleground experience. I had no AB kills, no WSG kills, nothing. No credit for flags, wins, classes killed, nothing. It’s like I never pvped before in my life. Crazy.
There is no valid reason to make this change except that someone at Blizzard wants to.
Exactly. Do you notice that when they first announced the mount equipment, they said they were introducing 3 pieces. Now all of a sudden there is a speed increase piece.
Now there is a forum thread with people discussing how exciting this piece of equipment will be. Blizzard’s strategy is working.
Now there is a forum thread with people discussing how exciting this piece of equipment will be. Blizzard’s strategy is working.
LOL and again, as a Blood DK I get EVERY SINGLE MOUNT EQUIPMENT perk on one character ON ANY MOUNT I AM ON if I only use the glider. Everything else is built into my class.
Sorry for the bold and caps, but it makes the point this change is NOT about game play or that point would not exist. This has nothing to do with gameplay. At All.
Sorry for the bold and caps, but it makes the point this change is NOT about game play or that point would not exist. This has nothing to do with gameplay. At All.
It isn’t about gameplay at all. It is about getting rid of a mount that someone at blizzard hates. If it was about gameplay then DKs would be nerfed.