Edit: This specific response was in response to the yak, brut, etc. question though the entirety is a response to the quote above.
Wouldn’t care in the slightest presuming, as we’ve been told, that the people who previously owned those mounts got a freebie replacement and got a steep discount on further purchases to ease the convenience of swapping things out.
There’s an item that does that right now so I’m not certain why they didn’t do the same thing. But my answer remains the same for the above.
Daze can die in a fire as far as I’m concerned. But again, there’s an item that does this now. But this is a false equivalency. Classes/specs aren’t losing abilities. Mounts are. Class/spec abilities will function in addition to optional functionality and won’t render them useless. If they were proposing to strip stuff from classes/specs I’d have an issue with that. They aren’t.
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There is no line with Blizzard. They continue to disrespect players effort and time in WoW. WoW is supposed to be a MMORPG.
Could careless.
And I’m obsessed with Xmog.
This is a good point, someone tweet this to to the dev team. Can’t have tanks trivializing the new equipment system, and don’t forget Water Walking from Shamans and Death Knights Path of Frost(Group water walking! GASP!).
How else can they make us drop gold to get what we already have over and over.
Waterwalking is being stolen. And if you happened to have owned a bug before then they’ll give you a free toy to recover it, under the false pretense that you can choose to have it back or gain a different benefit. If your class can already waterwalk, then grats, you get to participate in the new system. Otherwise you’re going to choose to take back the benefit that was stolen for no intelligent reason.
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Things are also being taking out of the game. It’s not the point and I don’t see why some of you can’t understand this concept. I now feel like my grinding for the water strider in Mist was a complete waste of time. That mount is ugly as sin and the only reason I did it was so that my alt’s could walk on water. I don’t care that there adding in stuff, I care about the fact they could have added this in back in mist instead of making people grind for a mount for a specific feature, only to get rid of that feature.
They should change the golem, all the two person mounts and the vendor mounts. Don’t care if people used the auction house or millions of gold to buy these, getting max gold only takes a matter of hours if you willing to buy the tokens.
I have a bad feeling the next thing to be removed is my mains class water walking. DK’s and shammy’s better watch out.
Knee-jerk hyperbole is the official language around these part.
This is very reaching. I don’t think your 1st suggestion would ever happen as that is no passive, there are physical vendors on those mounts - that would require insane amount of work.
If they added harvesting, yes. Take it away, and provide the one for free and discounted.
If they remove the tank ability to ignore daze, then that would mean every class that can water-walk, would have to look at. Which would never happen.
Again, people here are blowing things out of proportion and no wonder this forums is a complete joke, and is never listened to. Just look at what people are typing like if their lives depend on waterwalking or getting dazed. Pathetic. I know I will have water walking on my favorite mount and daze on another, do I want to have both? Who gives a sh!t.
They are on a prune spree so I fear what they do next. It is scary to think that they do not respect player time or effort in this game anymore.
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As long as the new system enables permanent Water Walking, I got no issue with it. And yes, I got Exalted with Anglers back in MoP days.
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And? You have the same functionality that you had prior to the change. Let’s be honest here. Most people are going to pop a water walk equipment and call it a day because it’s just too good to pass up. The only meaningful outcome here is that people are going to be able to use any mount they want. For specific classes that already have water walk they will benefit slightly more.
The proposed solution is to allow the water strider to maintain its water walk ability and not be able to use equipment. Which doesn’t change the above outcome.
Don’t forget, this is getting implemented in the same patch that they’re introducing expansion flying, so getting dazed and water walking mean absolutely nothing outdoors anyways. But indoor content with water it’s still going to matter and we’re still going to want to water walk. M+ SoB, M+ Tol Dagor, not sure about other new indoor content that may allow mounting up but won’t allow us to fly but it’s possible there’s more. This changes absolutely nothing for me at all.
The thing I want to know is does this impact existing player consumables such as stirrups and the saddle, daze immunity and item interaction while mounted. Are they changing into mount equipment or are we getting both? Because this system may actually reduce the options we have in comparison to right now. We don’t have those answers and I’m going to patiently wait to find those answers out. But I’m not freaking out about it because it still doesn’t matter due to pathfinder part 2.
However, that does make me wonder about next expansion and the pre-flight content. Right now I use both saddles and stirrups when I’m out mining/herbing on a water strider while I stream stuff. And if this goes the way I think it’s going that means that I won’t be able to do that next expansion. Not a big deal for now, but absolutely something to keep in mind for the future.
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Which is going to be ridiculous. Druids just keep on getting screwed.
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I am going to take the (Wait and See approach) on how this works out. Still need to see how much the items will cost and which professions make which equipment pieces.
Seeing as how all I ever seem to do is leather working and engineering god help me.
Druids need a water walk travel form or when they go over water they should go into flight form and hover above the water in non-flight areas. Aside from that one change druids are fine. Plus wild charge in travel form when in non-flying areas is ridiculously awesome.
They could always just introduce a wider variety of water walking mounts, if “lack of choice” is really the issue.
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This is all good. However, as a warlock, can I please have my flame trail back when running across the water on my original lock mounts?
For two grand and two hours, it doesn’t solve it for anyone except blacksmiths. I would argue that the sky golem is more popular than the strider, as a permanent. Most people have a strider on their action bar. Every herbalist non druid has a sky golem. And they are locked into it for world content. They should have done this to the golem and left the strider alone.
It would change it because you’d actually get some use out of this new system, instead of just popping the waterwalking in there and never trying anything else. The system is pointless for a lot of people if they don’t revert their thinking on the bug.
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What and not have the chance to ruin the hard work that people put in farming dailies just to get this mount that’s not a Blizzard dev way of thinking.