I could see them making each mount have a native ability. I see the mount equipment more of a cosmetic thing so we can use our favorite mounts without having to switch to utility mounts.
I can understand why Water Striders in this new system would no longer be allowed to have innate water walking. Otherwise this whole system would still revolve around Water Striders, with water walking + equipment ability.
That being said, this is definitely a system introduction I can’t make any sense of.
The team didn’t want everyone riding Water Striders … so you gave them equipment.
Now everyone just uses the same equipment.
What exactly changed here? Everyone now gets to pretend they are a DK with Path of Frost, a Shaman with Water Walking, or someone who just popped a Water Walking potion at the cost of a mount equipment slot?
I just don’t get the intent; make Water Striders worse so we see less of them?
Seems like misplaced effort, considering the ability for mounts to have innate water walking is planned on going absolutely no where.
Do they plan on introducing a piece of equipment that distributes the functions of the Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth, Yak, or Brutosaur to other mounts as well? I don’t see why mounts other than the Water Striders need water walking, but in the same vein there isn’t a need for mounts other than the Yak to possess a transmogrifier or vendors?
A piece of equipment to give all mounts underwater breathing coming?
A piece of equipment to give all mounts the ability to herb without dismounting coming?
A piece of equipment to give all ground mounts flying coming?
A piece of equipment to give all mounts the same capabilities of the Hivemind coming?
The “issue” of people using Water Striders for their situational water walking ability, seems about as serious to me as people using a mount with vendors when they need to sell or repair stuff. Or using the Arcanist Manasaber around Suramar for it’s auto-illusion ability.
Also GG on removing the purpose of one of Leatherworking’s few crafted consumables with that barding equipment from the mock-up. That just shows how thin and completely vapid the equipment system is, it’s stealing from existing effects in the game like barding, waterwalking, and slowfall just to put up some kind of an example!
I can appreciate the attempt to give mounts perks in an attempt to make the mount system more interesting and potentially use mount equipment in the future as a new kind of carrot. But what was presented in the stream was not a well thought out system and needs some rethinking.
I’d say it’s almost a complete certainty that the BoA replacement they send us will be consumed upon use. Unlike the learn-bfa-flightpoints BoA item they gave us.
Yes, that character. Why would a Death Knight want water walking?
The Anglers rep in Pandaria will allow you to buy BoA water walking tokens at a reduced price. You will not need to pay AH fees. You will be able to purchase it from a vendor, at a set cost. This way if you ever change it…say questing in Argus for example, you can change it to daze effect…UGH wish we had that then…and then change it back later at a significant reduction in cost.
It’s still stupid. It’s called a water strider the whole point of it is to be a water walking mount. Just leave it as. If people don’t want to or can’t use it, now they don’t have to. No point it taking something away when adding it as equipment solved the problem people were complaining about.
But it consistent with blizz’s Design tradition - just like portals - add new take the fun out of the old.
What effect? I grinded out the rep. I have no idea what you’re trying to say here.
Don’t give me some ridiculous argument about how it’s like removing water walking from Death Knights and it’s accomplished differently. This gives choice to players. Choices they didn’t have before. And if you still want to water walk you can. But if you want something else because you don’t need water walking (i.e. dk’s already have path of frost) then you can take no daze (and it stacks with path of frost). That’s a great thing. And for the convenience of swapping at a whim we may have to pay some gold. Boo hoo.
Just seriously make the water strider have no equipment slot like the golem and let us have more choice. If people who DIDN’T grind the strider want water walking let them use that. Then let other players who DID farm the strider pick another enchant.
I read your post. The fact that the item doesn’t provide account-wide water walking doesn’t address the point I made. Do you have any source that says we’re only getting one item in the mail on all of our characters? Because that’s the claim you made and as far as I can tell you’re pulling that information out of your rectum.
There it is, again. That emphasis was yours. First, show me where it says that. I’d love to actually have that information confirmed as accurate or not. If that’s not correct your position is flat out wrong. If it is correct that’s a bummer, but it then depends on whether the cost is trivial or expensive. If it’s trivial then your position is flat out wrong. If it’s expensive then I’ll join you in complaining about the change. But we don’t have that information yet.
But why should I have to PAY for something that I already have IN GAME NOW, yes I worked my butt off to get the water strider when it first came out, am I ‘salty’ about people now getting that for ‘free’. No. I’m not, it was years ago that I earned it. But I DID EARN IT, and I should not have that taken away and then be told I now have to PAY FOR IT on every single one of my characters!
I understand where you are coming from, but we don’t even have the information yet. We have no clue what the vendor price is. If it were 50 copper for a stack of 20 would you still be outraged?
If it were 1 copper for 100?
My point is we don’t know. Also, I can already see where this is going to go, so I will head it off now.
“If it is anything more expensive that free it is too much”
I may not be as upset about this because I pretty much play one character. And I can cast water walk on myself. So I won’t use the waterwalk equipment anyway. I will use the daze one so I can start to take a direct path as opposed to zigging and zagging.
Things change. It is the nature of an MMO. It is the evolution. So while I get your anger, justified btw I completely get where you are coming from, with this change to usable at level 20, the ability to use a two seated mount when leveling with friends and still walk on water, etc., I just think there are bigger fish to fry.
Is there really THAT much content from 20-60 you will need water walking for? Because after that you are going to be airborn all the way through current content, minus end zones…that do not require water walking anyway. And I doubt you will really be seeing those end zones anyway, as the leveling pace far exceeds making to the end zone before you leave the expansion for more leveling.
Exclude water striders from equipment, like the Sky Golem.
Leave them with water walking, but no slow fall or daze protection.
No more angry players.
Except people aren’t getting it for free. The details we’ve seen indicate that buying the equipment from the Anglers is going to be significantly cheaper if we have the rep to buy the mount. What if the cost is 1g if you’ve unlocked the mount and 10k if you haven’t? Are you still going to parade around crying like it’s the end of the world? Why not wait until we know for certain before you yell about the sky falling? Getting riled up when you have no solid info about the complaint you’re making just makes you look juvenile.