Water Strider Discussion

Phew. I’d be flustered if I worked to earn something in game and then saw other people years later have access to the same thing. I’m glad that has only happened now for the first time ever with this mount.

Hey Blizz, how about you fix the huge array of bugs in the game instead of wasting Dev time on things you know everyone is gonna hate? Novel idea, I know.

This is pretty retarded.


No no, we have to wait until people have time to exploit those bugs enough so they can be banned for it.

My experience is anecdotal, but I personally have never seen the strider ‘dominate’ the world. I see people use it when they have to cross water: and usually they switch to something else when they’re away from water.

Maybe I’ll change my mind after we find out more (what other equipment options are there besides the three announced on stream) : but it really feels like a solution in search of a problem.

Explanation for why this is a loss: Some of us DO NOT USE the Strider at all times because we don’t usually need water walking. However, this is obviously going to remove the different bardings from the game since now THOSE are going to be equipment too. This means:

(A) You will no longer be able to use multiple ones like you can now.

(B) The VERY FEW places I need water walking now mean I can’t have any other ability on my mounts without constantly having to re-buy water walking.

Want to run Tol Dagor M+? People expect you to water walk at the beginning. Want to run Siege of Boralus M+? People expect you to have water walking at the beginning. (And unlike Tol, THIS one you can’t even swim instead!) For all those annoying TINY spots that I want water walking for less than 3-4 damn minutes to get to some far-flung WQ? Re-buy that walking all over again… Or never have any other equip ability on your mounts.

Can’t wait to run a Siege and tell people: “Hang on! I just need to quickly take 20 minutes to swing by the Krasarang Wilds to get water walking equipment!” Yeah, no one will mind. Sure.


As always the game Blizzard plays to somehow screw us over. It’s coming, somehow. Whether it’s a kick in the nuts to those that put the work in or somehow either making stuff longer for us down the road or something we’ll have to pay for. Whether it’s the insane nerf, legacy xmog drops in dungeons…list just goes on…

To me the biggest disappointment is seeing that it’s an item that governs ALL mounts. Why not allow us to use different mounts for different purposes if we want?


so pick a mount which you want to use as your water walker, apply the water walking, and … drama over.


maybe i’m not understanding something.

[edit] yep, it seems i’m not understanding… i was under the impression that each mount had its own equipment slot, but the information currently available does not seem to meet that basic expectation.



So many broken things from BFA alpha/beta and they choose more pruning. Rich.

Sooo my dragon will be able to walk on water but still doesn’t know how it’s wings work…


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Equipment applies to all mounts on a given character. There is no picking and choosing different abilities for different ones.

I didn’t even list having to buy the item for each of all my characters, which is another nerf.


The equipment slot is per character not per mount, and it doesn’t sound like every single alt I have is getting the equipment for free. So this is not looking good to me right now.

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So once you put on the equipment it affects all mounts instead of one at a time? So I cant have a mount with water walking and a different mount with parachute? :disappointed_relieved: Now im sad

That’s how it’s looking right now based on what was shown and said.

ok, i’m just freaking out like everyone else without doing any research :smiley:
(seems to be the way things are done here)

i’ll do a little more research before forming an opinion :stuck_out_tongue:

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And they say that Blizzard does not listen to feedback.

That was fast. I can live with it, as it means by the time I can mount up I can water walk.

Not that I think I really need it, but still. Great change.

Citation required. I haven’t seen Blizzard clarify this anywhere. I’ve watched the video I linked above where T&E talked about it and they said if we have one it will be mailed to us (no details on whether it will be sent to one or all characters eligible to use the mount currently) and it is purchasable from Anglers at a significant cost reduction if the mount is owned. In the end we have no idea how much of an investment it’s going to be. It could be completely trivial. i.e. You’re getting worked up over speculation.

Nope and if you have multiple characters you will loose the water strider ability on ALL of them and have to buy it back for god’s knows how much gold for each individual toon… this is going to be a very expensive for those of us with lots of alts… :confused:


Welcome to the fantasy of the current diablo B team. Funny and sad at the same time.