Water Strider Discussion

And it was epic. If I could have upvoted it a million times I would have :slight_smile:

I think you need to read the End User License Agreement that you agree to every time you click ā€œPlayā€.

So I wonder if Blizzard put in the EULA that if you agree to pay for one month, they have a right to debit your account for the rest of your life, that would be acceptable as well?

I mean if its in the EULA, it must be law. To bad something can be lawful but a company can still be penalized financially in a courts here in the US. Or conversely, You can do the most evil thing know to man and against the law, but if a jury says we donā€™t care and lets you off, you go free.

The legal system has nothing to do with laws. Its about who can influence a jury better. Its why most companies settle out of court.

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  1. Mount Equipment water walking buff goes away if you take 1hp of falling damage. Water Striders allowed you to take a fair bit of falling damage without losing the buff. This change is a downgrade.

  2. itā€™s got problems. Between 30%-40% of mounts canā€™t get onto the waterā€™s surface if you mount while swimming. So much for Water Walking on them unless you return to shore first. Players that use [Summon Random Favorite Mount] with any large mounts favoriteā€™d are going to find this very annoying.

  3. Thereā€™s already complaints that Blizzard has upped the dazed/stunned/dismounted chance in CURRENT content, and true or not, with the option of equipping no-daze gear, itā€™s almost guaranteed that they will anyway, because theyā€™ve given us a work-around. Which forces us to give up water walking, which is something theyā€™ve wanted for a while now.

  4. Blatant wow-token pushing. Rather than giving us the freedom to choose functionality (ie, like swapping a trinket or weapon) theyā€™ve made mount equipment destructively-equipped like gems, not equipment. Before we could choose a mount for its special behavior, now weā€™ll have to choose whether or not to burn equipment we paid for to adopt a new default behavior. Or just suffer through without it. Replacing free choice with paid-choice is a loss of player freedom/agency.

  5. we already paid to unlock water walking account-wide in perpetuity. Yes the game can change anytime, but giving us ā€˜one free token and the rest you pay forā€™ after buying the life-time family packageā€¦ is a swindle/con/fraud/rip-off ā€¦ theft. If they want us to stop using the water striders, give us something better. Or make some bodies of water ā€˜oilyā€™ so that the water surface and the basic WW buff are incompatible. Or, like, be inventive. Not destructive.

  6. my original argument again: Itā€™s called a ā€˜water striderā€™, let it do what its name says it does without having to ā€˜equipā€™ it to live up to its name. Ridiculous.


Jops gets it.
Well said. You just summed up what Iā€™ve spent far too much time trying to. :slight_smile:

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Doesnā€™t need to be there. Favorite a water strider, a swimming mount, a ground mount and a flying mount (or any number of each).

Use [Summon Random Favorite Mount] it will choose the best mount family for you (not including Sky Golem) based on where you are:

Below the surface of water: swimming mount
In flying zones while swimming at the surface or on land: flying mount
in no fly zones, on solid ground: ground mount
in no fly zones, standing in water, swimming on the surface of water, sometimes even just standing NEAR water: itā€™ll automatically choose a strider.


These folks are acting like its 'WAAHHHHH they did X" and we quit.
its more like didā€¦ Aā€¦Bā€¦Cā€¦Dā€¦Eā€¦Fā€¦Gā€¦Hā€¦Iā€¦Kā€¦and then I started wondering what the hades was going onā€¦Lā€¦Mā€¦Nā€¦Oā€¦ok jokers, thats enough screwing with my game for no reasonā€¦Pā€¦Qā€¦Rā€¦ARE YOU SERIOUS??? ā€¦S ā€¦T ā€¦U ā€¦ YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! ā€¦V ā€¦W ā€¦WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, OMG! ā€¦Xā€¦Yā€¦WHY WHY WHY ARE YOU MAKING THESE POINTLESS CHANGES!..Zā€¦THATS ITā€¦I FLIPPING QUIT!

Thats more like the game here the last year or so.


yeahā€¦god forbid we use up a button on the entire keyboard x4 for a mount

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I -hate- having that stinky HOO-MAN in my proud Gobby Garrison. I should pay a rogue to shank him in his sleep and steal his lures or something. Same goes for Margoss next to New Dalaran.

Why canā€™t we have our own Horde-like ā€œOld Orc by the Seaā€ character.

Likewise with Bran Bronzebeard. I ainā€™t taken orders from no danged dirty dworf.


^^^ This!

I donā€™t think those who think people are whining understand this (I donā€™t think the game devs do either).

Oh and now I want a bowl ofā€¦


omgā€¦my raft.
Please tell me they arent screwing over my fishing raft.


Thanks, I use CM (forget what the name is) for random. Check off the ones I want for the char and it puts a ground or flier depending on my location. The addon does pets too but I donā€™t want random pets called out everywhere.

Strider and vendor mounts are on my bar since theyā€™re temporary on/off mounts.

Not a big deal.

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Brought to you by the professional game designers who gave us the 6 month sub boat that doesnt float :rofl::rofl::rofl:


They half did that by draining our artifact weapons dry at the end of the last expansion, and we know theyā€™ll do the same with our necklaces this expansion. ā€œProgressionā€ has become "get as close to the end of this cul-de-sac/dead-end before you have to turn around and start again in a new direction.

Pretty darned close to a ā€˜resetā€™ if you ask me.


joo missed J

With the artifacts we all knew theyd be gone soon. As will these azerite abominations. The Strider was supposed to be MY permanent mount for my accountā€¦not just expansion specific.
If I knew theyd be screwing with it Id never have wasted my time doing the work for it.
Well, thats actually a lie. I love MoP.


in my defense, Im lucky I did as well as I did :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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We will take away your ability to walk by removing the feeling from the entire lower half of your body from the naval down. But in return you will have 3 options that you can go to the doctorā€™s and switch out for any time you like for only 1000$ a pop.

A) You gain the ability to translate all language, even computer and mathematical coding.
B) All health food you eat from now on shall taste like junk food.
C) You will get the lower half of your body back with a 2% walking speed boost and perfection below the belt.

What will you choose!

Not to mention with how dumbed-down our combat abilities have been in the last couple of expansions, thereā€™s LOTS of actionbar vacancies now.

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I hope not. Same goes for my fully upgraded Underlight Angler.

But, the way things are going, itā€™s almost a certainty that both will be deliberately broken or limited like Findleā€™s Loot-a-Rang.