Will this be something that once learned is available like heirlooms, or even the BfA zone flight maps (where I had to mail it to every one of my alts individually) on all character via user interface…
Or will I need to purchase the same items over and over for each character just to re-unlock something I already had available to every alt years ago, because it only exists on one character at a time?
Oh, i disagree about the extreme reaction not being necessary. Its the only reaction that has any possibility of working anymore. Blizzard just doesn’t care what we think about these things.
They do what they do because its good for their bottom line. Period. I don’t understand HOW its good, but they must figure it is or they wouldn’t do it.
I don’t agree. Because what if I want to use my strider but I want it to have the parachute or the daze protection? Well I can’t if they leave it the same as the Sky Golem. Leaving it as is reduces choices. Having it equitable allows you to keep water walking on it but allows me to have parachute on it. Choices!
They need to do it all the way one way or the other. Remove unique mount abilities from all mounts that have them, or leave them all alone and they can’t benefit from mount equipment.
Sky Golem only affects Herbalists. The majority of characters aren’t Herbalists. Every character has to traverse on the ground over water at some point. Something that affects 100% vs far less than that.
I’m sorry, but THIS. I don’t want a discount on the gold I have to spend to keep the ability I already ground out to get, I want to keep the ability I ground out to get. Re-spending gold again and again to keep swapping out these items is seriously irritating.
The equipment slot is also going to just be a way you’re prevented from using BOTH items for no-dazing and interact-while-mounted. So it’s a definite potshot at the herbing community as well.
Before you jump in with the lv20 alts can use it argument: Don’t care. I have no alts under lv110 and never intend to level from the bottom again anyhow. I’ve been over and done with the low-level leveling experience for a very long time.
“Bind on equip” in the sense that I’ll need to buy a new copy of the item and send it to every character that I want to have waterwalking mounts? Because they said these items get destroyed when you switch them out–they aren’t Mount Talents.
I have a dream of a world of warcraft where Blizzard can make helpful changes like this without nerfing something. Give the water strider zero equipment slots and leave it alone. I didn’t eke out Anglers because rep grinds are so fun and this hideous mosquito is such a nice looking mount.
It’s not a nerf. It’s giving you a choice. You get a water walking equipment for free since you already have a strider. Now you can use that equipment on a mount you prefer since you think the bug is ugly.
I can’t agree about it not being a nerf. They are taking something away and replacing it with an illusion of choice.
As has been stated…right now you can have the Strider walking on water with an Anti-Daze barding and a “interact with stuff while mounted” stirrup. Now, you may not be able to do that.
That is a nerf. I don’t see how you can see it any other way.
When 8.2 hits they can take the mount equipment they get in the mail for free for having the strider, equip it, and the only thing that changes is now in addition to water walk on the strider they have water walk on all mounts. That’s not a loss. Which means the fake outrage is completely unjustified. If, like the T&E video talked about, they put it out where it required level 100 then people would lose water walking mount options from 20-100. But they changed that already due to feedback. Any complaints are lunacy.