Watched 30min of SL and I'm out

Yeah just seeking attention it’s pretty much what I figured the reason was. I was perplexed because I could not think of a logical reason to make a thread like this.

That is unless the individual has been pampered by Mommy and constantly told how special they are. That would lead to the individual being delusional enough to think they will start a following

See you when Shadowlands comes out!

Man that article is really confusing a lot of people huh?
That is just flying for leveling. Has nothing to do with pathfinder.
No proposed changes for flying in shadowlands.

If anything based on bastion, they should probable restrict it heavily. A lot of the stuff that happens in that zone is dependant on npcs flying you there. Not sure how it would even work if you could go yourself.


What is nothing more, and why does it precede some expansion named “Hollow?”

See ya. :wave:

You watched 30 mins of an expansion, in early alpha, when we haven’t seen even 20% of the the total starting content? Let alone content from later in the expac. And from that, you made a judgement that the expac will be hollow? I see…

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Lol if youre playing a game just for flying you should probably go play no mans sky or something

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1, it;s alpha
2. it actually follows the flying model as WoD not BfA which is where PF was first introduced.
3. why would you even purchase 1 year after and then imma see you on here complaining " PF is bad cause i have to farm rep " guess what buttercup if you play at the start of the expac even leisurely you don’t need to farm rep

  1. you complaining about everyone looking like a barbie doll but you clearly made a VE which is based off BE models which are the true barbie doll races of WoW.

World of warcraft in a nutshell

But guys its only alpha…

But guys its only beta…

But guys the game has just released…

But guys the next patch will fix stuffs…

and finally

But guys…next expansion will surely be good.


I like how you’re posting this on a level 20 mage you just made.
Anyways, you do realize Alpha just came out and theres going to be ALOT of changes? Shadowlands looks promising. Blizzard is actually listening to their customers for once. I don’t know what bs you’re reading and looking at but we need less people like you anyways. buh byeeee.

New land.

New races.

New lore.

New quests.


Mini factions that divide the main factions.

Story going somewhere unique.

Crafting with optional material to augment it.

I mean. I know it’s alpha. But it already looks interesting.

You…you do realize this is early, early alpha, right?

Good thing flying is only a mode of transportation, and the important stuff like questlines, dungeons, and raids aren’t stuff we have to wait for.

buh bye now!

Hurrah! At last! :wink:


Imagine seeing 30 minutes of a game in alpha and saying it’s bad. This is likely a huge slap in the face to developers. They have feelings as well…

And that’s a bad thing why?

Also, your playing a void elf and yet your saying that.

Were in 2020. I think were past the stage of “Dressing your character up as a bad thing” phase.

By that Logic, why play WoW at all then?

You watched 30 minutes of someone playing the alpha test and you’re already convinced you dislike it.

That didn’t take much to make you tune out.


I like Corruption.
I like AP.
I like Emissaries
I like my class design, but not against redesigns
Good, PVP vendors
Idc about Azerite either way

I’m noticing a common theme here.

People complaining about the unreleased expansion, all seem to have the same belief that “then” and “than” mean the same thing.

…so I’m just going to go ahead and assume it’s all the same person.

Its still Alpha. Making a decision on something that is subject to change based on feed back is tossing out the chicken before the eggs are laid because you assume the eggs won’t be large enough or taste better than the store bought ones.

Judging a book based on the first draft of maybe the first chapter but more likely random draft pages that might be different in the final draft.

maybe wait until the “book” is ready to be reviewed.
because it is still in Alpha, instead of giving up after 30 mins, why not explain what it is you don’t like about the current draft. Maybe it might get changed to address that concern. but its far less likely to happen if the only thing to go on is “im out”