Watched 30min of SL and I'm out

Renaming of things, like anima power and covenant traits instead of azerite power and azerite traits. :wink:

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Nah, I’m not playing 8.3. I’m waiting for Shadowlands.

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Except that’s not true lol. Have you even looked at anything relating to Covenants?

Anima is essentially Corrupted Mementos and can be spent like a normal currency on certain things, and Covenant Traits are reminiscent of Legion Artifact Golden traits.

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See you in Bastion buddy.

Corruption going away is awesome, but there’s nothing wrong with emissary quests.

AP is going away and being replaced with… Anima Power.

Covenants will make Azerite look like gold if they go live in their current locked-out form.

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Not recently, but your post gives me hope. :+1:

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They got close in bfa. :sleepy:

Maybe? It all depends.

artifact power removed, anima power added. so we still have AP

we will have something similar with a different name, and they will probably be worse.

when did that get announced. there is some un-pruning of iconic baseline abilities, but i don’t know about total class redesign :man_shrugging:

we haven’t seen soulbinds at work yet. i’m sure there will be a horror show somewhere.


Lol yeah considering they said WF,TF,Corruption is going away, we will have a dungeon we can do ad infinitum, etc, i think you saying that is just angry nerd rage. Also flying is the reason it’s not worth playing for a year? Pfft. Just making a post for attention, especially since you aren’t brave enough to post on your main…

20 Void Elf Mage



Here is a perplexing question… why did you make this thread? I mean you know that no one cares that you’re going to leave. So it can’t be for that reason.

So are you delusional enough to think that you were going to start a following and cause everyone not to buy the expansion? Or are you just seeking attention?

First of all, its Alpha, so it’s going to feel pretty hollow until they start to fill in all the content for players to experience.

Second of all customization options have been in dire need for quite some time now, and I’m glad this expansion is focusing so heavily on them. In an age where players can adjust nearly everything on their characters in some MMOS, some changes needed to be made to keep their game up to par.

I for one, am really excited for Shadowlands.

Literally no one said BFA looked god in Alpha or Beta.

Low post count - check.
No constructive criticism - check.
No return to partake in rational discussion - check.

I think of a toddler that lost it’s pacifier when I see these posts. Not you, the OP.


This isn’t obtaining flight in Shadowlands areas, this is the flight skills we already have access to.

They’re not gonna make you wait til lvl 60 to buy Expert Riding that will allow you to fly in old content at the base flight speed of 150%.
They’re not gonna make you wait til patch 10.0 to get 280% flight speed again.
And they’re definitely not going to make you wait til patch 11.0 to get 310% flight speed.

All this is changing the levels at which you can obtain the flight skills we already have access to.


haha just shows some people will never be happy with anything, the love for complaining stretches far past anything someone could develop. this type of person is exactly the type that complain about flying…they skip out on the start then end up back anyways and whine about not having done any of the things they would of passively completed by just playing the game. see you a month into the xpac.

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Bye FELICIA! :wave:

OP posting on a lvl 20 toon with less than 10 posts. Sure, you’re leaving. If only we knew your main so we could hold you to it.