Watched 30min of SL and I'm out

Until they actually say they aren’t continuing pathfinder I’m not buying it. Technically we can fly at level 60 already until we get to WoD.

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idk man, the new rogue like tower looks pretty good.

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youre judging on an alpha build?

Do you only play because you want to fly in a videogame?

You get more credit in 2020 for hating things than defending them. I’m a purist, you’re a Blizz apologist.

hOlLow ExpAnSiOn

What is that even? what is a “full expansion”?

No, there was warforging in WoD and thunderforging in MoP.

@OP: the expansion is in early development stages. Calm yourself. We’ll see you when it releases.

Goodbye, forum alt!

You clearly haven’t paid attention to or understand what you were listening to/looking at.

Sayonara Boido Erufu

A fair number left because of visions. There were plenty of threads about it where people were saying, “I tried it, I’m letting my sub run out now.”

I’ve been having second and third thoughts upon reflection, and thinking that what people are writing is true, it changes how levelers get flying, but doesn’t mention PF… PF has yet to be mentioned by Ion and team.

Time will tell how PF will pan out. Hopefully something’ll be datamined soon enough!

Eh? They already talked about it at Blizzcon.

They got booed.


I think you might change your mind. It is more like classic than BfA for one thing.

Oshuni is being optimistic that Blizzard might have changed their minds between 2019 Blizzcon and now due to the unpopularity shown at Blizzcon.

Thing is, if Blizzard cared about popularity of Pathfinder; BfA wouldn’t have had it.

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Blizzcon was 2019… so lots can and has happened since.

We’re in 2020, and the game is due to arrive end of the year, but with the virus, i hope it’s delayed so that it releases in a polished state.

Chances of them changing pathfinder are slim to none. The reason pathfinder exists in the first place was because subs dropped off a cliff in Warlords when they announced no more flying. Unless subs drop off again, and is closely tied to pathfinder, it’s just not going to happen.

PF is terrific tho’ - definitely cheaper in the long run if you play alts - the only thing that they should change that most agree on is the timegating of pt2 happening so late in the expansion, and possibly some of it being tied to reps.

And even that second part: that it’s revered (not exalted), and gained by JUST PLAYING THE GAME, so before you know it, you’ve got that part done.

So, fingers crossed for positive news about PF!

The article is just about BUYING flying. Just like you buy flying at level 60 now.
Buying that flying has nothing to do with using it.

Pathfinder will likely have no changes, but it does look like it is at least being considered from removal for leveling, as I can fly in any zone on the Alpha account without having pathfinder there.

I believe that i said that here:

But thanks for the green text post.