Watched 30min of SL and I'm out

Nothing more then a Hollow expansion. The only features that it offers is it’s going to make everybody look like a Barbie doll.

And since flying is going to follow the same model as BFA it’s not even worth playing until one year into it.

Enjoy your extension of BFA.


It’s “hollow” because it’s in alpha.

And as for flying, did you even see what the rest of us did?

Flying not being part of an achievement (Pathfinder) and being purchaseable with gold again should settle the forums and make everyone happy again!

Edit (4/19): These are leveling (& access to flight) changes & have nothing to do with Pathfinder!


Not sure how you’ve deduced this about an expansion that’s only 2 alpha builds in.

I’m biting my tongue until I see more, but I haven’t given up hope. The removal of emissaries, ALL RNG forging/corruption gear, the return of PvP vendors, the possibility of professions being viable, a much, MUCH better leveling system, the return of tier sets in a patch, an enjoyable end-game system, no AP, and the communication this time around is infinitely better.

Stop complainin’. A lot of us are worried, but we’re also excited. This has the potential to be an amazing expansion, and we’re all gonna hope for that.


Okay bye, not going to miss you!

Oh wait. See you in SL!

  • WF/TF/corruption removed
  • AP removed
  • Emissaries removed
  • Total class redesigns
  • PvP vendors back
  • No Azerite horror show

That alone would fix the worst aspects of BFA, so calling it an extension is just unfair.


So we’re going back to Warlords? I dunno guys, I’m starting to think the OP might be right.


than, honey


That’s for the older expansions. There’s still going to be a Pathfinder for Shadowlands.


Looks like you pretty much quit playing around early October 2018. Haven’t unlocked the Heart Forge, don’t have Pathfinder pt1, no BfA reps at exalted, hardly any quests or exploration done.

Given when BfA launched you’ve hardly played it at all. Just got a toon to 120 then quit LOL. So you’ll pardon me if I don’t consider your opinion about Shadowands to be anything worth listening to.


A whole 30 minutes! Folks, we found the expert.


This reminds me when the forum had an epiphany : BFA was worst than WOD, three days after launch. Now SL is worst than WOD, 8 months before launch? I hate the forums sometimes.


On the other hand, 30 minutes in the BFA beta was enough for me to realize the train wreck that was coming. :joy:



Have you got a link / info for this?

Ion already said not to expect any further class revamps.

They just stomped feral, one of the worst difficulty to output specs in the game, into the ground and called it a day.


its just 2 alpha. since you called it expansion you dont know anything.
besides you cant compare it to BFA from the stuff they did and doing.
see you in SL.

Wouldn’t it suck if everyone’s gold suddenly disappeared with SL’s and we all had to start from 0?

From Blizzcon 2019 Q&A:

Jump to 10:50 if it doesn’t start there.


Why are people surprised that a WoW expansion looks like WoW. But I do hear this looks upgraded.

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That needs to be corrected. I don’t like Balance and if they keep these Feral changes then my Druid won’t be going into Shadowlands content. He’ll be benched and I’ll take my Hunter in instead (taking four, Druid was one but not now).

feels great man!!!