Watched 30min of SL and I'm out

As a casual player who just enjoys questing and narrative, I enjoyed BfA.

Not as much as Legion, because my Enh Shaman is a wreck… But I’m enjoying it!

So yes, I will enjoy it!

The PvP vendors will only be usable by players who do rated pvp.

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Well then, enlighten us. For me, if it were structured like MoP, i would throw a party! Best raiding structure they ever had in the game.

I would have no problem taking up raiding again, have not done so since MoP and some in WoD.

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Again, you’re wrong. Thunderforging in ToT and Warforging in SoO had a cap. Titanforging NEVER had a cap except the ilvl cap. Titanforging started in HFC during the 7.0 pre-patch and extended until 8.3. Thunderforging and Warforging had a hard cap in the amount of ilvls an item could increase by.

What does that mean?

Because it’s Alpha, expecting this to be fully fledged as ‘testing’ content is kind of ignorant.

What does that mean? You don’t want customization? You don’t like having to be able to change up stuff on your character?
Ok, then don’t Transmog, simple as that.

So that’s it? That’s what was the lynchpin? Flying?
With all the flipping features brought into WoW and with Shadowlands, the only thing you care about is the flying…

I think there are some flight simulators you can play.

I agree. Which is why I get why people like the convenience of flight.

But it’s not such a huge deal that it should determine if the game is worth playing. Not even close.

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Wow, talk about making poor decisions.

I know not everyone is going to like SL but your reasoning for it that to this early on is absurd

Nah, I prefer pathfinder. not the current one, but a better version with less timegating. But even the current version is better than having to expend a crapton of money per character just to fly. Free account wide flight > paid flight anytime.

Honestly WoD but with M+ and Warmode sounds pretty good. WoD was great in what it had, just lacked in things to do.

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Emissaries being removed. Does that mean we are getting the horrific daily quest system back ?

Exactly. I don’t know why people say wod was bad. It was SHORT, but the content it had was pretty fun, I loved everything I did in it.

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I mean on pretty much all of that I have no clue what you’re smoking.

I will admit pathfinder is cancer. Part 2 is particularly egregious to me.


This is what I was gonna say. I’m cautiously optimistic. But one cannot deny the amount of effort being put into this testing phase. My only hope is they listen to the community involving the problems with some of the specs that are seriously under performing in the alpha without Azerite traits, like Shadow.

Pathfinder is why I cancelled my subscription and I told them as much.
It has been made very apparent by a lot of people that the current pathfinder requirement is excessive grinding.
If they keep this grind, if they continue with this excessive requirement, the would be fools.

It seems to me that the spirit of pathfinder is to have the player explore the world fully before they get to fly. I get that and can sympathise with it. What we currently have to do though, is way beyond simple exploration.


Of course they would. They left.

But Visions were a fantastic feature for this patch.

lol’d at the flying comment


No. There’s a “World Quest 2.0 system” that replaces Emissaries with a new thing called “Callings.”

We’ll have to wait until we can test that.

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No reason they can’t do both. Pathfinder for account wide flying and gold for flying per character