Watched 30min of SL and I'm out

Torghast looks like it has several difficulties and is pretty fun. I know most people here hate Asmondgold but he did a decent stream testing it today.

As much as I don’t like many of the class changes and I despise the aoe changes and absolutely loath the idea of ability choices being tied to rp/mog choices, the art work, transmogs, music and torghast look amazing.

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nope wrong ill link the blue post one sec

Still can’t come up with a single thing that is casual I see.

Removal of casual content: no invasions to level alts in.

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Wrong…you have a certain amount of deaths per floor, there is no timer whatsoever. Work on your fact checking bucko.

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Wut? It was your list, dude lol. Just scroll back up.

This needs to be beaten into people’s heads, imo.

We go through it every expansion cycle.
People voice concerns about alpha/beta and defenders come in droves saying this stuff.
Inevitably a ton of things go live that people were critical of during alpha and beta, then we spend the entire expansion waiting for it to maybe get fixed.

Hopefully with Blizz actually communicating with us we can break the cycle.
Assuming they keep talking with us.

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Not really looking forward to Shadowlands. I don’t like the Narrative, nor the things they’ve shown already. Seems like just more of the same, as well as having to lock yourself down to something you’ll probably regret later.

Also Covenants are a terrible idea, I’m not seeling my soul to some death cult.

How it is still the early Alpha, so who knows.

Honestly I’m not holding my breathe, they don’t seem to be doing much of anything for Resto shamans, so I probably won’t care.

Someone who needs practice will die more often and will end up being locked out. That’s great for people who ace it the first time. It gives them a big boost over those casuals who get held back.

Infinitely scaling challenging content is not casual.

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After seeing the streams for Torghast, SL looks like a hard pass for me too.

Short, repetitive floors with little to no actual rewards. I’m betting most people will be bored of it after 3-5 runs. It’s showing generic 90’s arcade game play. Fun for a few minutes, but has no staying power. People asked for no borrowed power, Torghast is random borrowed power that you lose in less than an hour.

Add in the number of ways you can make sure you get exactly the piece of loot you need and the hardcore players will be rocking BiS in a month and be bored as well.

There’s a timer… two of them–a timer for a timer even! The first one starts once you die 3 times. You get 30 seconds. Then the Terragrue spawns and you have about 30-60 seconds to get to the end of the floor. The warning it shows when he spawns even makes it clear it’s a timer.

Yeah, I already “bought” SL. With gold/Blizzard Bucks. Mostly left over from Legion. It doesn’t mean I’m inclined to sink any more gold into SL.

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we will agree to disagree that and we still don’t know how many deaths trigger it so.

On normal people who suck at their class can still clear several floors or more. To be honest at this point it looks like normals people will leave due to not having enough time more so then dieing.

Heroics well thats another thing entirely mobs were hitting hard.

Of course all of this is subject to tuning.

They “might” tune it/tweek it once beta hits but you might be right

Thanks for the random fact of the day…? That doesn’t mean anything.

I came back much after the release of it and found the video quite helpful as I didn’t know how to get it…I guess if you’ve been playing non-stop you would get bored. :woman_shrugging:

I mean you can literally say that about any expansion, content patch, etc…what’s your point? People come and people go. I came back and am having fun?

Welp, I’m one of the people who’s only really came in to check in every now and then since the beginning of the expansion. I got my flying and instantly stopped playing. I haven’t stopped with this patch yet, surely I’m not the only one. :woman_shrugging:

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Literal commercial:

(Dramatic music, expensive CG)


(Level of excitement rises, more expensive CG)


(Music reaches crescendo. Most expensive CG ever.)


(Music dies away, fade to black.)

“…The new single-feature expansion - Shadowlands.”

Then why’d you pre order the most expensive version of the expansion ??

Buyers remorse :no_entry: lol

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They said there was no timer.

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I meant real life commitments.

Like you run out of time and need to go to work because you’ve been playing for 19 hours.

I should have clarified that.

It actually started with thunderforging in Throne of Thunder, but why split hairs?

But no, I’m more referring to the lack of emissaries, paucity of gear from outdoor content - meaning it only drops from raids that don’t want you and mythic+ groups that want you even less - and that they’re going to paper over PvP gear with vendors so that it’s not even worth stepping into a battleground if you haven’t been grinding enough points to keep up. The only things that look to be of any value are a) repetitively bashing through Torghast and b) grinding to get into Torghast. And to top it off, a pointless plot cul-de-sac in a disconnected new realm that they’re going to completely underuse, headed by a tedious villain.

All in all, a real one-and-done expansion by the looks of things. Of course they could turn it around, but we all thought the same thing about BfA and, well.


[quote=“Sloppynacho-thrall, post:74, topic:498986”]
waiting to see what mmo’s are releasing in late spring early fall…if they look good I just might pass on SL…
[/quote] Don’t know about any new mmorpg’s, but on June 5th Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn, and Red Alert remastered Release :slightly_smiling_face: . Then it’s buh bye warcrack :rofl:. Not mmorpg games, but two of the best rts games ever made imo.