Watched 30min of SL and I'm out

You’re level 20, you haven’t touched BFA.

it’s… an alpha…

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yep, no timer explore the place at your own pace…make it harder if you want by going to different floors

Wow really? That’s worrying lol.

Yep, I’m giving it a shot. If only to see some semblance of pre- WoD gameplay I’m for it.

‘I watched 30 minutes of the barest bones of a game, so I know it won’t have anything I like in it!’

You do realize how silly you sound right?


well to be fair.


Its only alpha
Its beta that will get fixed/won’t go live
Patch 8.1 will fix it
Patch 8.2 will address the issue
Patch 8.3 god i hope they get it right…
Well there is next expansion maybe they will get it right


Riding a mount through mobs in tank spec or with anti-daze equipment to reach your actual objective isn’t content.


Titanforging STARTED in WoD during HFC. Nice try though.

the level of communication that we’ve seen in the first week alone is a significant departure from what we saw in bfa’s development

it’s not wrong to be concerned but it is certainly wrong to pretend that bfa and shadowlands are being handled the same way, and most of the harshest critics I’ve seen – who also have Alpha access – have said this.

true, but I’ll wait and see…there is going to be some major releases on the mmo front in late summer and early fall…

They (blizzard) left a very sour taste in my mouth with BFA…made me cynical lol

i think most people are saying wait and see. acting like 30 minutes of gameplay from the earliest public build of a game is enough to ward it off forever is silly. we’ve only seen one leveling zone and only a handful of classes are even close to their finished state.

could blizz not finish them? possibly, but from what they’ve said they seem to realize their mistakes

Well technically it’s following the same model as Warlords of Draenor…but you do you boo :kissing_heart:



LOL. Good luck with whatever you play. Can i have your stuff?

All the people who have quit during this patch would disagree with you that it was improved. Participation was way lower than projected. After the first week they created a video “how to get your cloak” as though people who hadn’t got it didn’t know how. They started a thread promoting that video, and another one on “what level is your cloak?” where any level 10 alt could vote that they had their cloak. Since they had the actual numbers and could have chosen to release them but didn’t, I’d assume that 88% of the playerbase didn’t have a cloak at max level at that point.

Lots of people came back for the hype and were planning on leaving when they were no longer having fun. Those people have left.

They thought the content was going to keep people happily grinding away for the rest of the expansion. What actually happened is

  • fewer people got the cloak than projected
  • fewer people have continued grinding it
  • fewer people have got it on their alts
  • fewer alts have kept theirs up to max.

Just “vitality”, that will drain and end your attempt just like “sanity” does now.

This is often quoted as a reason this is prefect content for the most elite players, because they can make it infinitely harder. I’m not sure why you think infinitely hard content is “casual”.

Ah, so can’t come up with a single thing.


We enter Shadowlands at level 50…that article is about flying at what we currently call level 60(or is it 58, cant remember) but is actually 25 in Shadowlands…it makes no mention of pathfinder being removed in WoD, Legion, or BFA…

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Wut? Everything implies all of it so just count it up yourself lol.

What is with these low post count people that swing by and say they are quitting with absolutely no info or constructive criticism. Why do they even bother to post in the first place?

Go on and skedaddle out. Good grief.

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