Watched 30min of SL and I'm out

so its childish to give harsh criticism?


You’re supposed to pretend how fantastic it is to help build the hype phase.

Don’t you remember every time they announced an upcoming patch in BfA we would hear, “This is the patch that will redeem BfA!” And people would stay subbed because they patch was going to be so great. Or they would plan to come back on patch day. And then after the patch, people would be like, “We got what?”

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I don’t know the SL version of vision looks like casual content Shorter video of Ion being booed when he tells players they get pathfinder again.


Without playing it and throwing up your hands saying I’m done when you haven’t even given it a chance to begin with? To base your future of playing a game you may have played for up to 15 years off of 30 minutes of video? Yeah, I’d say that’s pretty childish.

Adults make informed decisions and test things out themselves first before making rash decisions. You don’t put diesel fuel in your Honda Accord because you were told there’s a chance you could get better gas mileage and it’s made out of rainbow sherbet do you?

I’m still hopeful but from what I’ve seen so far I’m not very excited. So far the only part of shadowlands I’m really looking forward to is the vampire city area.

Well this alpha and what I seen so far from videos i am more inclined to throw hands up…honesty…i just hope they listen to the harsh justified criticism…or we will end up with a BFA that we can dress up our toons better…


Then that’s something. Hold on to that. We do that every expansion right? Find something to hold on to, something that makes us all keep coming back. We do. Sure we may complain, or say we are leaving, but in the end, we always come back.

We’re gamers. WoW is our game. And we love it, for better or for worse. Might as well throw a ring on it. Lol.

You’re not even going to be a high enough level to enjoy Shadowlands at 20.

Oh. That’s because you’ll be playing it on your main but don’t want to be called out! Gotcha. :upside_down_face:

Maybe we will, however it’s just too darned early to judge. Honestly, I hope much of the same. They specifically stated they are having a longer testing phase and will pay more attention because they messed up during BFA. I’m with you; I hope they do listen, because honestly if they don’t, I’m afraid that when they WILL lose many, many more people.

I pray they see this and stay true to their word and listen to us. I know many others hope the same.

Hint: Look at their Pet Collection Journal.

There’s a particular Anima Wyrmling, exclusive to the Epic $80 Edition that stands out…



I suppose that says it all then.

Hey, I resemble that remark as well :laughing:

P.S. I like your mog!!

honestly, pathfinder part 2 has me waiting to see what mmo’s are releasing in late spring early fall…if they look good I just might pass on SL…

I am just sick and tired of waiting half the expansion for flight…


I’m hoping they alter it so it is offered quicker. I know that was one of the downfalls of BFA wasn’t it? Just took so long. I don’t mind riding around for say 4-6 no but after that I mean, sheesh. Lol.

They seem to be trying to fix a LOT in SL; perhaps this will be fixed as well.

The game’s literally in alpha…

I dont mind pathfinder part 1 its the part 2…


So is BFA. When does Beta start?


Torghast looks like casual content to you? The ultimate challenge where players go to find challenging content that only scales up? Where if you die trying too many times they send in an NPC to kill you and then you lose? Where you have to grind access and can do it a limited number of times a week?

What sounds “casual” about that to you?


I mean It’s not an uncommon opinion that this is the worst expansion yet, however this last patch has at least improved it a little. It’s a shame it didn’t come sooner.